
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.04.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   Post Cold War Security: New Threats, New Architecture?   Required: Buzan, B. and Wæver,2004; Matlary (2006), Recommended: Buzan (1991) Gartner, H. (2000)  
22.04.2008Janne Haaland Matlary    Security Policy Paradigm Change?   Required: Katzenstein, P (1996); Singer, (2001), US Security Policy Strategy Recommended: Harris, J (1995)  
28.04.2008Janne Haaland Matlary    Theoretical Appoaches to Security Policy   Required Buzan and Wæver, 2004; Mastanduno, M. (1997); Muller, H. (1993); Baldwin, D. (1995) Recommended: Buzan (1991); Finnemore (1996); other articles in the Katzenstein volume  
29.04.2008Janne Haaland Matlary    NATO: Territorial Defence and Out-of –Area Tasks   Required: Yost, D. (1998 AND 2003), Wallander,(2000); NATO’s Strategic Concept (1999), Ikenberry, 2001 Recommended: Menon, A. (2000); Gann, L.H. and Duignan, P. (1998), for a general historical analysis  
05.05.2008Janne Haaland Matlary    6. The EU: Independent Europan Security Actor?   Required: Cameron and Quille (2004),Krahmann, 2003a; Matlary, (2006), Maull, (2000), Howorth (2000), Yost (2003) Recommended: Gartner, H. Et al (eds.) (2000), the part on ”European Security”; Menon, A. (2000), Penksa and Mason (2003), Ulriksen et al (2003), Quille (2004)  
06.05.2008Dr: Morten B. Mærli, seniior researcher, NUPI    WMDs and proliferation problems  Mærlig (2000, 200oa and B) 
13.05.2008Janne Haaland Matlary     8. Cases: Bosnia under Dayton; The Kosovo Intervention   Required: Matlary, (2006), ch. 8,9 Recommended: Relevant parts of Woodward; S. (1995); International Crisis Group (1999)  
19.05.2008Major Dr. Tormod Heier    The Paradigm Shift: Miitary and Political   Diesen(2006), English readings to be announced 
20.05.2008Janne Haaland Matlary     10. Caucasian Conflicts; Russia’s Role -   Required: Jaffe, A. M and Manning, R.A. (1999); Recommended: Arbatov, A. (1998),Lapidus, G. (1998);  
26.05.2008Janne Haaland Matlary    7. The UN: The Changing Role of the Security Council   Required: Matlary (2006),Malone, 2003 Recommended: Smith, H.J. (1999); Fox, G.H. (1997)  
Published Jan. 10, 2007 10:18 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2008 1:33 PM