Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
11.11.2008Janne Haaland Matlary  Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus  Introduction: The nation-state and the EU: Diplomatic Instide or Outside?"  Reading: Batora, J. (2005) "Does the EU Transform the Institution of Diplomacy?"m Journal of European Public Policy, 12,1, pp. 44-66. 
12.11.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Evolution of EU Foreign Policy: Theory and Practise  Reading: Carlsnaes et al (2004), chs.1 and 2; Laffan, B. et al,(2000) ch. 1 and 2 
18.11.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Two-Level Games: Foreign Policy as Elite-Driven  Carlsnaes, ch. 5 and 6, Matlary, chs. 1,2, and 3 
25.11.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   De-territorial conceptionalisation  Carslnaes: chs. 7, 14; Laffan et al. (2000) chs. 5,6,7,8 
26.11.2006Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Application: Security and Defence  Carlsnaes: chs 3 and 10; Matlary, Parts Two and Three 
02.12.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Application: Diplomacy  Batora, J. (2005), Carsnaes: ch 5 and 12, Recommended: Hocking and Spence (2002), chs. 1,2, and 16 
03.12.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Application: Economic Role in the World  Laffan, ch. 4, Carlsnaes, ch. 4 and 11, recommended Brethertona nd Vogler, ch. 4 
09.12.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Application: The EU in the World: Impact  Two Cases: Enlargement and Common Actor capacity at the UN

Carlsnaes: ch 9 and 16, recommended Bretheron and Vogler, ch. 5 

10.12.2008Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Application: A Post-National Actor?  Carlsnaes ch 8 and 15; Laffan et al., ch. 9, recommended special issue of International Affairs, January 2008, vo. 84, no., "Ethical Power Europe?" 
16.12.2008Janne Haaland Matlary  Rom 847, Eilert Sundts hus   Summary  reading: part I of C. Hill and M. Smith, "International Relations in the EU!, Oxford, 2005 
Published Aug. 23, 2006 2:45 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2008 12:30 PM