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Bzrezinski, Zbigniew, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Basic Books, New York 1997 Chapter 1-2. 54 s Kompendium

Davis, Tami R. and Lynn Jones, Sean M., “Citty Upon a Hill” Foreign Policy. No. 66, Spring 1987. 19s Fronter

Deudney, Daniel and G. John Ikenberry (2009) "The Myth of the Autocratic Revival" i Foreign Affairs 17 sider. Lenke

Gaddis, John Lewis, Surprise, Security, and the American Experience. Harvard University Press. 2004. 141 s

Gates, Robert M., “A Balanced Strategy”, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2009. 13s Lenke

Gordon, Philip R, “Winning the Right War” Survival Vol 49 No 4 Winter 2007-8 30s Lenke

Hellmann, Gunther (2008): "Inevitable Decline versus Predestined Stability: Disciplinary Explanations of the Evolving Transatlantic Order", in Anderson, Jeffrey, John Ikenberry and Thomas Risse (eds.): The End of the West?: Crisis and Change in the Atlantic Order. Cornell University Press

Howard, Michael, “Are we at war?” Survival, Vol 50 no 4 August September 2008. 10s Lenke

Jervis, Robert, “Understanding the Bush Doctrine”, Political Science Quarterly, Volume 118, No. 3, 2003 24 s Lenke

Kagan, Robert, ”Power and Weakness. Why the United States and Europe See the World Differently”. Policy Review. June/July 2002. 40s Lenke

Kagan, Robert, The Return of History and the End of Dreams. Alfred A. Knopf, New York 2008. 105s

Kagan, Robert/Kristol, Bill “The Right War for the Right Reasons” i The Right War? Edited by Gary Rosen. Cambridge University Press 2005 18s Lenke Kompendium

Kupchan, Charles (2008): "The Atlantic Order in Transition: The Nature of Change in U.S.-European Relations", in Anderson, Jeffrey, John Ikenberry and Thomas Risse (eds.): The End of the West?: Crisis and Change in the Atlantic Order. Cornell University Press

Mead, Walter Russell, Special Providence. American Foreign Policy and How it Changed the World. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2001 Chapter 4-7 165 s

Melby, Svein, Amerikansk Utenrikspolitikk. Tano, Oslo 1995, Kap. 1. 23 s Kompendium

Melby, Svein, Bush-revolusjonen i amerikansk utenrikspolitikk Aschehoug Oslo 2004. ss 46-53 7 s Kompendium

Melby, Svein, ”Tilbake på hovedsporet? Obama og reformuleringen av amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk”. Oslo Files. IFS. (Publiseres i mars-april 2009. Deles ut ved kurset begynnelse) 50s

Monten, Jonathan, “Primacy and Grand Strategy Beliefs in US Unilateralism” Global Governance, 17. 2007. 20s Lenke

Nye, Joseph S. Jr., ”Recovering American Leadership”, Survival, February-March 2008. 12s Lenke

Obama, Barack, ”Renewing American Leadership”, Foreign Affairs, July/August, 2007. 15s Lenke

Osgood, Robert E., Ideals and Self-Interests in America’s Foreign Relations. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1953. Introduction. 23 s

Pape, Robert A., “Soft Balancing against the United States”, International Security, Summer 2005. 39 s Lenke

Pape, Robert A. “Empire Falls”, The National Interest, January/February 2009. 14s Lenke

Posen, Barry R./ Ross, Andrew L. “Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy”, International Security, Winter 1996/97 48s Lenke

Slaughter, Anne-Marie (2009): "America's Edge", i Foreign Affairs 19 sider Lenke

Til sammen 925 sider

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 16:20 - Sist endret 3. des. 2009 15:02