
Tekster merket med "K" er samlet i kompendium, Tekster merket med "B" er bøker som må kjøpes (for eksempel i Akademika), tekster merket med "F" blir lagt ut i fronter ved semesterstart, og tekster merket med "Lenke" finnes elektronisk gjennom bibliotekets baser.

Adelman, Morris A. 1995. ‘Economics of Oil Supply’ i Morris A. Adelman: The Genie out of the Bottle – World Oil since 1970. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press. K

Andersen, Svein S. og Nick Sitter 2008. ‘The European Gas Market: Differentiated Integration and Fuzzy Liberalization’ (arbeidstittel), kap. i Gunnar Fermann (ed.): Energy and Institution-Building in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaffts-Verlag. F

Austvik, Ole Gunnar 2008. ‘Market lierbalization and long-term security-of-natural-gas-supply in the European Union’ (arbeidstittel), kap. i Gunnar Fermann (ed.): Energy and Institution-Building in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaffts-Verlag. F

Bromley, Simon 2005. ‘The United States and the Control of World Oil’ i Government and Opposition 40(2): 225-255. Lenke

Campell, Colin J. 2005. ’The Assessment and Importance of Oil Depletion’ i Andrew McKillop (ed.) The Final Energy Crisis, London: Pluto Press. K

Claes, Dag Harald 2001. The Politics of Oil-Producer Cooperation. Boulder CO: Westview Press (hele boka unntatt kapittel 10). B

Claes, Dag Harald 2002. ‘The process of Europeanization –Norway and the Internal Energy Market’ i Journal of Public Policy, 22(3): 299-323. Lenke

Claes, Dag Harald 2008. ‘EU Energy Security between internal market and foreign policy’ (arbeidstittel), kap. i Gunnar Fermann (ed.): Energy and Institution-Building in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaffts-Verlag. F

Eising, Rainer 2002. ‘Policy Learning in Embedded Negotiations: Explaining EU Electricity Liberalization’ i International Organization 56(1):85-121. Lenke

Hayes, Mark H. og David G. Victor 2006. ’Politics, markets, and the shift to gas: insights from the seven historical case studies’ i David G. Victor et al. Natural Gas and Geopolitics – from 1970 to 2040. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. s.319-353. K

Jaffe, Amy Myers og Steven W. Lewis 2002. ’Bejing’s Oil Diplomacy’ Survival 44(1): 115-134. Lenke

Mommer, Bernard 2002. Global Oil and the Nation State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hele boka er pensum unntatt kapittel 2 og 7. B

Smil, Vaclav 2003. ‘Energy Linkages’ kap. 2 i Vaclav Smil: Energy at the Crossroads – Global Perspectives and Uncertainties. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. K

Yergin, Daniel 2005. ‘Energy Security and Markets’ i Jan H. Kalicki og David L. Goldwyn (eds.): Energy & Security – Toward a new Foreign Policy Strategy Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins University Press. K

I sum: 872 sider.

Published Apr. 22, 2008 7:29 PM - Last modified June 4, 2008 4:25 PM