Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Kuzemko, Caroline, Michael F. Keating and Andreas Goldthau (2015) The Global Energy Challenge. Environment, Development and Security. Palgrave


  • Bradshaw, Michael (2013) Global Energy Dilemmas, Polity. Ch. 1. Introduction (21pp.)

  • Busch, Per-Olof and Helge Jörgens (2012) Europeanization through Diffusion? Renewable Energy Policies and Alternative Sources for European Convergence, in European Energy Policy - An Environmental Approach, edited by Francesc Morata and Israel Solorio Sandoval, Edward Elgar (21pp.)

  • Claes, Dag Harald. 2001. The Politics of Oil-Producer Cooperation, Boulder: Westview Press. Chapter 7: ‘OPEC a Successful Cartel?’, pp. 239-280.

  • Claes, Dag Harald. 2013. ‘Cooperation and Conflict in Oil and Gas Markets’ in Andreas Goldthau, ed.The Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • Fattouh, Bassam 2009. ‘How Secure are Middle East Oil Supply?’ in Andreas Wenger et al. Energy and the Transformation of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press

  • Gause, Gregory III 2015b. ‘Oil and Political Mobilization in Saudi Arabia’, in Bernard Haykel Saudi Arabia in Transition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • Mills, Robin M. 2008. The Myth of the Oil Crisis. Westport: Praeger. Ch. 2 and 3, pp. 11-32

  • Mommer, Bernard 2002. Global Oil and the Nation State. Oxford University Press. Ch. 3. pp. 88-106

  • Noel, Pierre (2013) EU Gas Supply Security: Unfinished Business, in Energy and Security: Strategies for a World in Transition, edited by Jan H. Kalicki and David L. Goldwyn, Johns Hopkins University Press, (17pp.)

  • Noreng, Øystein 2013. Global Resource Scramble and New Energy Frontiers’ in Andreas Goldthau, ed.The Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • Solorio Sandoval, Israel and Francesc Morata (2012) Introduction: the re-evolution of energy policy in Europe, in European Energy Policy - An Environmental Approach, edited by Francesc Morata and Israel Solorio Sandoval, Edward Elgar (21pp.)

  • Van de Graaf, Thijs (2013) The Politics and Institutions of Global Energy Governance, Palgrave. Ch. 4. Interpreting the global energy architecture (19pp)

  • Wilhite, H. 2012. The energy dilemma. In K. Bjørkdahl and K. B. Nielsen, Development and the Environment: Practices, Theories, Policies. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 81 – 97 (16 pp.)

  • Wilhite, H. 2014. Changing consumption and the negotiation of gender roles in India. In K. B.Nielsen and Anne Waldrop (Eds), Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. New Delhi: Anthem Press, pp. 63-74 (11 pp)

Online articles

Amundsen, Eirik and Lars Bergman 2006. ‘Why has the Nordic electricity market worked so well?’ in Utilities Policy 14(3): 148-157.

  • Austvik, Ole Gunnar (2012). ‘Landlord and entrepreneur. The shifting roles of the state in Norwegian oil and gas policy’. Governance, 25(2): 315-334. (19 p.)

  • Charles L. Glaser, “How Oil Influences U.S. National Security,” International Security, Fall 2013, Vol. 38, No. 2, Pages 112-146.

  • Cherp, Aleh and Jessica Jewell, (2014) The concept of energy security: Beyond the four As, Energy Policy 75, pp. 415–421

  • Ciută, Felix (2010) Conceptual Notes on Energy Security: Total or Banal Security?, Security Dialogue, 41 (2), pp. 123-144 (21pp.)

  • Claes, Dag Harald (2002). ‘The Process of Europeanisation – Norway and the Internal Energy Market’.Journal of Public Policy, 22(3): 299-323. (24 p.)

  • Claes, Dag Harald (2003). ‘Globalisation and State Oil Companies: the Case of Statoil’.Journal of Energy and Development,29(1): 43-64. (19 p.)

  • Claes, Dag Harald 2015. ‘Geopolitical Implications of US Energy Independence Paper for the Norwegian National Political Science Conference in Oslo, January 2015.

  • Colgan, Jeff,Robert Keohane, Thijs Van de Graaf (2012) Punctuated Equilibrium in the Energy Regime Complex The Review of International Organizations, vol.: 7, issue: 2, 117-143 (26pp.)

  • Dubash, Navroz and Ann Florini (2011) Mapping Global Energy Governance, Global Policy, Volume 2, Issue Supplement s1, pages 6–18, (12pp.)

  • Emerson, Sarah A.& Andrew C. Winner (2014) ‘The Myth of Petroleum Independence and Foreign Policy Isolation’, The Washington Quarterly, 37:1, 21-34,

  • Florini, Ann (2011) The International Energy Agency in Global Energy Governance, Global Policy, Volume 2, Issue Supplement s1, pages 40–50, (10pp)

  • Gause, Greogory III. 2015a. ‘Sultans of Swing? The Geopolitics of Falling Oil Prices. Brookings Policy Briefing, April 2015.

  • Glaser, Charles L. 2013. ‘How Oil Influences U.S. National Security’ in International Security. 38(2): 112-146.

  • Goldthau, Andreas (2012) From the State to the Market and Back: Policy Implications of Changing Energy Paradigms, Global Policy, Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 198–210,

  • Holden, Steinar (2013). ‘Avoiding the resource curse in the case of Norway’.Energy Policy, 63: 870-876.

  • Houthakker, Hendrik (2002). Are Minerals Exhaustible? Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 42, pp.417-421.

  • Hughes, Llewelyn and Phillip Y. Lipscy 2013. ‘The Politics of Energy’ in Annual Review of Political Science. 16: 449-469.

  • Kustova, Irina (2015) EU–Russia Energy Relations, EU Energy Integration, and Energy Security: the State of the Art and a Roadmap for Future Research, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 11(3), pp. 287-295. (8pp.)

  • Kuzemko, Caroline (2014) Ideas, power and change: explaining EU–Russia energy relations, Journal of European Public Policy, 21(1), pp. 58-75. (17pp.)

  • MacKay, David J.C. (2009) Sustainable energy – without the hot air, Cambridge: UIT. Ch. 1. Motivations (19pp.) and Ch. 2. The Balance Sheet (6pp.)

  • Månsson, André (2015) A resource curse for renewables? Conflict and cooperation in the renewable energy sector, Energy Research & Social Science, 10, pp. 1–9 (9pp.)

  • Morse, Edward L. 2014. ‘Welcome to the Revolution – Why Shale Is the Next Shale” Foreign Affairs, May/June. 93(3): 3-9.

  • Sovacool, Benjamin K.and Ishani Mukherjee (2011) Conceptualizing and measuring energy security: A synthesized approach, Energy, 36(8), pp. 5343–5355 (12pp.)

  • Stirling, Andy (2014) Transforming power: Social science and the politics of energy choices, Energy Research & Social Science, 1, 83–95, (13pp.)

  • Szulecki, K., Pattberg, P. and Biermann, F. (2011), Explaining Variation in the Effectiveness of Transnational Energy Partnerships. Governance, 24: 713–736. (23pp.)

  • Szulecki, Kacper and Kirsten Westphal (2014) The Cardinal Sins of European Energy Policy: Non-governance in an Uncertain Global Landscape, Global Policy, 5, s1, pp. 38–51 (14pp.)

  • Szulecki, Kacper, Severin Fischer, Anne Therese Gullberg, Oliver Sartor (2015) Shaping the 'Energy Union': between national interests and governance innovation in EU energy and climate policy, Climate Policy, forthcoming (ca.20pp.)

  • Ulsrud, Kirsten, Tanja Winther , Debajit Palit,Harald Rohracher a nd Jonas Sandgren (2011) The Solar Transitions research on solar mini-grids in India: Learning from local cases of innovative socio-technical systems, Energy for Sustainable Development 15, pp. 293–303 (11 pp.)

  • Van de Graaf,Thijs (2012) Obsolete or resurgent? The International Energy Agency in a Changing Global Landscape Energy Policy, vol.: 48, 233-241 (8pp)

  • Van de Graaf, Thijs, and Aviel Verbruggen (2015) The oil endgame: Strategies of oil exporters in a carbon-constrained world, Environmental Science & Policy 54, 456–462 (7pp.)

  • Victor, David G. 2013. ‘National Oil Companies and the Future of the Oil Industry’ in The Annual Review of Resource Economics, 5: 445-462.

  • Westphal, Kirsten (2014) Institutional change in European natural gas markets and implications for energy security: Lessons from the German case, Energy Policy, 74, pp. 35–43 (9pp.)

Online articles:

Published Nov. 23, 2016 7:09 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2016 8:01 PM