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Norris, P. (2000): ”The News Media and Democracy”, and ”A Virtuous Circle?”, i P. Norris: A Virtuous Circle. Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 30s.

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Semetko, H. A. (1996): ”The Media,” i L. LeDuc, R. Niemi & P. Norris (eds.): Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in Global Perspective, London: Sage. 26s.

Waldahl, R. (1999): ”Medier, meningsdannelse og den politiske dagsorden,” Politica, vol. 31, nr. 2. 15s.

Aardal, B. (1999): ”Issue Voting and the Political Agenda: A Spiral of Silence?”, i H.M. Narud & T. Aalberg (eds.): Challenges to Representative Democraciy: Parties, Voters and Public Opinion, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 28s.

Aardal, B., Krogstad, A. og Narud, H.M. (red.) (2004): I valgkampens hete. Strategisk kommunikasjon og politisk usikkerhet, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. 398s.

Sum pensum: 923s.

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Publisert 23. okt. 2008 18:24 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2009 15:56