
Tekster merket "K" er samlet i et kompendium som kan kjøpes i Kopiutsalget.

Converse, P. E. (1964): "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics", s. 206-261 i David Apter (ed.): Ideology and Discontent, New York: Free Press. 56s. K

Fuchs, D. & H-D. Klingemann (1990): “The Left-Right Schema”, kap. 7 i M. Kent Jennings, Jan W. Van Deth et al.: Continuities in Political Action, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 32s. K

Hellevik, O. (1993): “Kulturelle skillelinjer i dagens samfunn. Et innlegg i postmaterialisme-debatten”, Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, nr. 1:25-50. 26s. K

Knutsen, O. and S. Kumlin (2005): "Value Orientations and Party Choice", in J. Thomassen (ed.): The European Voter. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 42 s.

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Stimson, J. A. (1991): Public Opinion in America: Moods, Cycles and Swings, Boulder: Westview Press, kap. 1, 2 og 5. 58s.

Tourangeau, R. and Galešic, M. (2008): "Conceptions of Attitudes and Opinions", kapittel 13, s. 141-154 i Donsbach, W. & Traugott, M. W. (eds): The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London, New Dehli & Singapore. 14 s.

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Weisberg, H. F. (2008): "The Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses of Survey Research", kapittel 20, s. 223-231 i Donsbach, W. & Traugott, M. W. (eds): The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London, New Dehli & Singapore. 9 s.

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Aardal, B., A. Krogstad og H. M. Narud (red.) (2004): I valgkampens hete, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (kap. 1,5, 12, 15 og 16). 110s.

Aardal, B. And P. Van Wijnen (2005): Issue Voting, in J. Thomassen (ed.): The European Voter. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 20 s.

Sum pensum: 851s

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Publisert 13. okt. 2009 16:21 - Sist endret 1. des. 2009 17:05