

1. gang: Introduksjon. Oversikt over kurset. Sentrale begreper: Partifamilier, partisystemer, regjeringstyper, majoritets- og konsensusdemokratier mm. Repetisjon av begreper, modeller og teorier fra innførings- og fordypningsemnene. Anbefalt/repetisjon: Heidar & Berntzen, Lijphart (1999) og andre bidrag fra innførings- og fordypningsemnene.

2. gang: Storbritannia: New Labour og koalisjonsregjeringen..

3. gang: Tyskland: Partipolitisk fragmentering og ulike regjeringsformasjoner. .

4. gang: Frankrike: Partipolitisk fragmentering og samling. Politisk samboerskap og høyresidens seirer.

5. gang: Italia: Den første og den andre republikk. Hvilke endringer?

6. gang: Spania: Demokratisk konsolidering og maktskifter.

7. gang: De nordiske landene: Er de nordiske fempartisystemene under press?

8. gang: Belgia og Nederland: Fortsatt konsensusdemokratier?

9. gang: Sveits og Østerrike: Konsensusdemokratier under press – og konsensusdemokratier med de høyreradikale?

10. gang: Komparative perspektiver. Oppsummering.

Pensumlitteratur organisert etter forelesningene:

Storbritannia (forelesning 2)

Bennister, Mark & Richard Hefferan (kommer): “Cameron as Prime Minister: The Intra-Executive Politics of Britain’s Coalition Government”, Parliamentary Affairs: 1-24 24 s.

Flinders, Matthew (2005): 'Majoritarian democracy in Britain: New Labour and the constitution', West European Politics 28 (1): 61-93. 33 s.

Lynch, Philip (2007): ‘Party System Change in Britain: Multi-Party Politics in a Multi-Level Polity’, British Politics 2: 323-346. 24 s.

Mitchell; James & Jonathan Bradley (2004): 'Devolution: Comparative development and policy roles', Parliamentary Affairs 57: 329-346. 18 s

Quinn, Thomas (2011): «From New Labour to New Politics: The British General Election of 2010»; West European Politics 34 (2): 403-411. 9 s.

Shaw, Eric (2003): 'Britain: Left abandoned? New Labour in power', Parliamentary Affairs 56: 6-23. 18 s.

Webb, Paul & Justin Fisher (1999): 'The changing British party system: Two-party equilibrium or the emergence of moderate pluralism?", kap. 2 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 22 s.

Tyskland (forelesning 3)

Blühdorn, Ingolfur (2009): ‘Reinventing green politics: On the strategic repositioning of the German Green Party’, German Politics 18 (1): 36-54. 19 s.

Clemens, Clay (2009): ‘Modernisation or disorientation? Policy change in Merkel’s CDU’, German Politics 18 (2): 121-139. 19 s.

Faas, Thorsten (2010): «The German Federal Election of 2009: Sprouting Coalitions, Drooping Social Democrats», West European Politics 33 (4): 894-903. 10 s.

Hepburn, Eve (2008): ’The neglected nation: The CSU and the territorial cleavage in Bavarian Party Politics’, German Politics 17 (2): 184-202. 19 s.

Jeffery, Charlie (1999): 'Germany: From hyperstability to change?', kap. 6 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 22 s.

Kropp, Sabine (2010): “The Ubiquity and strategic complexity of grand coalitions in the German Federal System”, German Politics 19 (3-4): 286-311 26 s.

Olsen, Jonathan (2007): ‘The merger of the PDS and WASG: From Eastern German regional party to national radical left party?’ German Politics 16 (2): 205-221. 17 s.

Wisenthal, Helmut (2003): 'German Unification and 'Model Germany': An adventure of institutional conservatism', West European Politics 26 (4): 37-58. 22 s.

Frankrike (forelesning 4)

Cole. Alistair, Patrick Le Galés and Jonah Levy (red). (2008): Developments in French Politics 4. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Kap. 1: From Chirac to Sarkozy: A New France? 21 s.

Kap. 2: The 2007 French Elections and Beyond 20 s.

Kap. 3: Political parties and the party system 18 s.

Kap. 7: The Return to a Strong Presidency 16 s.

Kap. 8: Parliament and Politics Representation 14 s.

Kap. 9: Checks, Balances and the New Rules of the Political Game 15 s. (forfatterne av de ulike kapitlene er ikke tatt med her). Samlet: 104 s.

Hanley, David (1999): 'France: Living with instability', kap. 4 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 23 s.

Italia (forelesning 5)

Bardi, Luciano (2007): 'Electoral Change and Its Impact on the Party System in Italy', West European Politics 30 (4): 711-732. 22 s.

Bull, Martin & Gianfranco Pasquino (2007): 'A Long Quest in Vain: Institutional Reforms in Italy', West European Politics 30 (4): 670-691. 22 s.

Daniels, Philip (1999): 'Italy: Rapture and regeneration?', kap. 5 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 25 s.

Diamanti, Ilvo (2007): 'The Italian Centre-Right and Centre-Left: Between Parties and ‘the Party’', West European Politics 30 (4): 733-762. 30 s.

Vassallo, Salvatore (2007): 'Government Under Berlusconi: The Functioning of the Core Institutions in Italy', West European Politics 30 (4): 692-710. 19 s.

Wilson, Alex (2009): “The Italian Election of April 2008: A Political Earthquake?”, West European Politics 32 (1): 215-225. 11 s.

Spania (forelesning 6)

Magone, José M. (2009): Contemporary Spanish Politics Second Edition. London: Routledge.

Kap. 3: The core Spanish institutions (s. 82-115) 34 s.

Kap. 4: Political parties and elections (s. 133-187). 55 s.

Kap. 5: The dynamics of regional politics. 66 s.

Norden (forelesning 7)

Arter, David (1999): 'Sweden: A mild case of "electoral instability syndrome", kap. 8 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 20 s.

Arter, David (2011): ‘”Taking the gilt off the Conservatives’ Gingerbread: The April 2011 Finnish General Election’, West European Politics 34 (6): 1284-1295 12 s.

Hardarson, Olafur Th. & Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson (2001): 'The 1999 Parliamentary Election in Iceland', Electoral Studies 20: 325-330. 6 s.

Hardarson, Olafur Th. & Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson (2010): ’The parliamentary election in Iceland, April 2009’, Electoral Studies 29: 523-525. 4 s.

Paloheimo, Heikki (2003): 'The rising power of the prime minister in Finland', Scandinavian Political Studies 26: 219-243. 25 s.

Widfeldt, Anders (2011): “The Swedish parliamentary election of 2010”, Electoral Studies 30: 584-587. 4 s.

Belgia og Nederland (forelesning 8)


Andeweg, Rudy B (2008): ‘Coalition politics in the Netherlands: From accommodation to politicization’, Acta Politica 43: 254-277. 24 s.

Ten Napel, Hans-Martien (1999): ‘The Netherlands: resilience amidst change’, kap. 9 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 20 s.

van Holsteyn, Joop J.M. and Galen A. Irwin (2003): 'Never a dull moment: Pim Fortuyn and the Dutch parliamentary election of 2002', West European Politics 26 (2): 41-66. 26 s.

van Holsteyn, Joop J.M. (2011): ’The Dutch parliamentary elections of 2010’, West European Politics 34 (2): 412-419. 8 s.


Deschouwer, Kris (2006): 'And the peace goes on? Consociational democracy and Belgian politics in the twenty-first century', West European Politics 29 (5): 895-911. 18 s.

De Winter, Lieven & Patrick Dumont (1999): ‘Belgium: party system(s) on the eve of disintegration?’, kap. 10 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Frances Pinter. 24 s.

De Winter, Lieven, Marc Swyngedouw & Patrick Dumont (2006): 'Party system(s) and electoral behaviour in Belgium: From stability to balkanisation', West European Politics 29 (5): 933-956. 24 s.

Sinaret, Dave (2010): “From consociational consciousness to majoritarian myth: Consociational democracy, multi-level politics and the Belgian case of Brussels-Halle- Vilvoorde”, Acta Politica 54 (3): 346-369 24 s.

Swenden, Wilfried & Maarten Theo Jans (2006): '‘Will it stay or will it go?’ Federalism and the sustainability of Belgium', West European Politics 29 (5): 877-894. 18 s.

Sveits og Østerrike (forelesning 9)


Church, Clive H. (2008): 'The Swiss elections of 21 October 2007: Consensus fights back', West European Politics 31 (3): 608-623. 16 s.

Klöti, Ulrich (2001): 'Consensual government in a heterogeneous polity', West European Politics 24 (2): 19-34. 16 s.

Ladner, Andreas (2001): 'Swiss political parties: between persistence and change', West European Politics 24 (2): 123-144. 22 s.


Luther, Kurt Richard (1999): 'Austria: From moderate to polarized pluralism', kap. 10 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Frances Pinter. 30 s.

Müller, Wolfgang & Franz Fallend (2004): 'Changing patterns of party competition in Austria: From multipolar to bipolar system', West European Politics 27 (5): 801-835. 35 s.

Luther, Kurt Richard (2009): ‘The revival of the radical right: The Austrian Parliamentary Election of 2008”, West European Politics 32 (5): 1049-1061. 12 s.

Komparative perspektiver (forelesning 10)

Donovan, Mark & David Broughton (1999): 'Party system change in Western Europe: Positively political', kap. 13 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. 20 s.

Sum pensum 1121 s.

Publisert 11. okt. 2011 16:01 - Sist endret 30. mars 2012 15:39