

Vi føreset at studentane kan dei delane av pensum på STV2300 Komparativ politikk 2 som handlar om sentraleuropeiske land. Studentar som ikkje har tatt dette emnet må setja seg inn i det aktuelle pensumstoffet på eiga hand. Dei andre kan med fordel repetere. Dette gjeld:

Bakke, Elisabeth (red) (2006): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989. Oslo: Samlaget, kapitla om Polen (kap. 6), Tsjekkia (kap. 7) og Ungarn (kap. 9).

Vi føreset dessutan grunnleggjande kjennskap til sentraleuropeisk og baltisk historie, særleg på 1900-talet. Studentar som føler seg usikre på historiekunnskapane sine, kan lesa:

Gerner, Kristian (1997): ”Centraleuropa som historisk region”, og ”1900-talets Centraleuropa”, i Centraleuropas historia. Stockholm: Natur och kultur 77 s

Gov, James & Cathie Carmichael (2000): Slovenia and the Slovenes. Kap. 2 Contemporary history. London: Hurst & Company. 35 s.

Smith, David J., Artis Pabriks, Aldis Purs & Thomas Lane: The Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. London & New York: Routledge (dei historiske kapitla).

Swain, Geoffrey & Nigel Swain (2003): Eastern Europe since 1945. Introduction + kap. 5-9 (det som handlar om ”våre” 8 land). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 93 s.


Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (2005): Patterns of Stability. Party Competition and Strategy in Central Europe since 1989. Party Politics, Vol 11. no. 2 (2005): 243–265. 22 s

Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (kjem): To Stay the Course or Cross the Floor: Members of Parliament, Parties and Party System Change in Central Europe. Oppdatert versjon av konferansepaper (blir utdelt på forelesing). Ca. 17 s

Bakke, Elisabeth (2001): Kva(r) er Sentraleuropa? i Bernt Hagtvet, Knut Heidar og Harald Baldersheim (red). Statsvitenskapelige utsyn. Politiske tema og tenkemåter i en oppbruddstid. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget. 11 s

Bakke, Elisabeth (red) (2006): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989. Oslo: Samlaget (unntatt kap. 1, 6, 7 og 9 – sjå over) 200 s

Berglund, Sten & Frank Aarebrot (1997): The Political History of Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. The Struggle between Democracy and Dictatorship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Kap. 2: From Formal Democracy to Strongman Rule: 1917–1945, Kap. 4: The crumbling Monolith 67 s

Bernik, Ivan (1999): From Imagined to Actually Existing Democracy: Intellectuals in Slovenia, i András Bozóki (red): Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe. Budapest: Central European University Press. 17 s.

Birch, Sarah (2003): Electoral Systems and Party Systems in Europe East and West, i Paul Lewis & Paul Webb (red): Pan-European Perspectives on Party Politics. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 22 s.

Blondel, Jean, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel & Darina Malová (2007): Governing New European Democracies. Basingstoke: Palgrave, Kap 3, 6 31 s.

Doyle, Orla & Jan Fidrmuc (2005): Who favors enlargement?: Determinants of support for EU membership in the candidate countries' referenda, i European Journal of Political Economy 22 (2006) pp. 520–543 24 s.

Fidrmuc, Jan (2000): Economics of Voting in post-communist countries, i Electoral studies 19 (2000) pp. 199–217 18 s.

Harris, Chauncy D. (1993): New European Countries and Their Minorities, i Geographical Review, Vol. 83, No. 3. (Jul., 1993), pp. 301-320. 20 s.

Howard, Marc Morjé (2003): Post-Communist Civil Society in Comparative Perspective: An Empirical Baseline, i M.M. Howard: The Weakness of Civil Society in Post-Communist Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 35 s.

Klíma, Michal (2002): Electoral reform in the Czech Republic (1998–2002), i Central European Political Science Review 10 (2002): 126–147. 21 s.

Letki, Natalia (2004): Socialization for Participation? Trust, Membership, and Democratization in East-Central Europe, i Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 4. (Dec., 2004), pp. 665-679. 15s

Lijphart, Arend (1994): Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, 1989–1991. Kap 12 i Ian Budge & David McKay (red): Developing democracy. London: 1994. 16 s

Linde, Jonas & Joakim Ekman (2006): Demokratiseringsprosesser. Teoretiska ansatser och empiriska studier. Studentlitteratur. Kap. 2, 5 62 s

Mair, Peter (1997): What is different about Post-Communist party systems? Kap. 8 i Peter Mair: Party system change. Approaches and interpretations. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 23 s.

Malová, Darina & Tim Haughton (2002): Making Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and the Impact of Europe, i West European Politics 25, no. 2 2002: 101–119 19 s.

Nagle, John D. & Alison Mahr (1999): Democracy and democratization. Post-Communist Europe in comparative perspective. London: Sage. Kap 5. 30 s.

Raciborski, Jacek (2007): Forming government elites in a new democracy: The case of Poland, i Communist and Post-Communist Studies 40 (2007) 17-40 24 s.

Róna-Tas, Ákos, Ján Bunčák & Valentína Harmadyová (1999): Post-communist transformation and the new elite in Slovakia, i Slovak Sociological Review (Vol. 31), Spring 1999: 235-262. 27 s.

Schimmelfennig, Frank (2006): The process of enlargement. Problems, interests, and norms, i Jeremy Richardson (red.): European Union. Power and policy-making. New York: Routledge. 17s.

Šnajdr, Edward (1999): Green Intellectuals in Slovakia, i András Bozóki (red): Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe. Budapest: Central European University Press 18 s.

Stark, David & László Bruszt (1998): Remaking the Political Field: Strategic Interactions and Contingent Choices, i D. Stark & L. Bruszt: Postsocialist Pathways. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 34 s.

Szelényi, Szonja, Iván Szelényi & Imre Kovách (1995): The Making of the Hungarian Postcommunist Elite: Circulation in Politics, Reproduction in the Economy, i Theory and Society, Vol. 24, No. 5, Special Issue on Circulation vs. Reproduction of Elites during the Postcommunist Transformation of Eastern Europe. (Oct., 1995), pp. 697-722. 25 s

Tucker, Aviezer (1999): The Politics of Conviction: The Rise and Fall of Czech Intellectual-Politicians, i András Bozóki (red): Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe. Budapest: Central European University Press. 21 s

Wasilewski, Jacek & Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński (1995): Poland: Winding Road from the Communist to the Post-Solidarity Elite i Theory and Society, Vol. 24, No. 5, Special Issue on Circulation vs. Reproduction of Elites during the Postcommunist Transformation of Eastern Europe. (Oct., 1995), pp. 669-696. 27 s

Wolchik, Sharon (1995): The politics of transition and the break-up of Czechoslovakia, i Jirí Musil (red.): The end of Czechoslovakia. Budapest, London & New York: Central European University Press. 18 s.

Wolchik, Sharon (1999): Czechoslovakia on the eve of 1989, i Communist and Post-Communist Studies 32 (1999): 437–51. 15 s.

Zak, Václav (1995): The velvet divorce – institutional foundations, i Jirí Musil (red.): The end of Czechoslovakia. Budapest, London & New York: Central European University Press. 23 s.

Samla pensum: 899 s.

Eventuelle oppdaterte artiklar om val i 2006 og 2007 blir delt ut på forelesing.

Nyare tilleggslitteratur:

Baldersheim, Harald, Michal Illner & Hellmut Wollmann (red) (2003): Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Bennich-Björkman, Li (2007): The Cultural Roots of Estonia's Successful Transition: How Historical Legacies Shaped the 1990s, i East European Politics and Societies 2007 (21), pp. 316-347.

Berglund, Sten, Joakim Ekman & Frank Aarebrot (eds) (2004): The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Second Edition. Cheltenham: Edw Elgar.

Berglund, Sten, Frank Aarebrot, Henry Vogt & Georgi Karasimeonov (2001): Challenges to democracy. Eastern Europe ten years after the collapse of communism. Cheltenham & Northhampton: Edward Elgar.

Bútora Martin, Miroslav Kollár & Grigorij Mesežnikov (2007): Slovakia 2006. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava: IVO.

Dawisha, Karen & Stephen Deets (2006): Political Learning in Post-Communist Elections, i East European Politics and Societies 2006 (20) pp. 691–728.

Eliason, Leslie C. & Lene Bøgh Sørensen (red) (2002): Fascism, Liberalism and Social Democracy in Central Europe: Past and present. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Haughton, Tim (2002): Vladimír Meciar and His Role in the 1994-1998 Slovak Coalition Government, i Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 54, No. 8. (Dec., 2002), pp. 1319-1338.

Jungerstam-Mulders, Susanne (ed) (2006): Post-Communist EU Member States. Parties and Party Systems. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Lord, Christopher (red) (2000): Central Europe: Core or periphery? København: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Rybár, Marek (2002): Party system instability and the emergence of new parties in Slovakia, i Central European Political Science Review 10 (2002): 148–172.

Smith-Sivertsen, Hermann (2005): What kind(s) of political parties emerged and why? Comparing the parties of Latvia and Lithuania of the late 1990s by their organizations, policies and surroundings. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo. No. 8.

Tavits, Margit (2005): The Development of Stable Party Support: Electoral Dynamics in Post-Communist Europe, i American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 49, No. 2. (Apr., 2005), pp. 283-298 Toplak, Jurij (2006): The parliamentary election in Slovenia, October 2004, i Electoral Studies 25 (2006), pp. 809–831.

Tucker, Joshua A. (2006): Regional Economic Voting. Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic 1990–1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wallace, Helen, William Wallace & Mark A Pollack (2005): Policy-Making in the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Ch. 16 Eastern Enlargement.

White, Stephen, Judy Batt & Paul G. Lewis (red.) (2007): Developments in Central and East European Politics 4. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

(Sjå også øvrige kapittel i bøker på pensum).

Eldre tilleggslitteratur (til oppgåver m.v.)

Ágh, Attila (1998): The politics of Central Europe. London: Sage.

Ash, Timothy Garton (1990): Mitteleuropa? in: Dædalus, Winter 1990: 1–22.

Ash, Timothy Garton (1999): We the people. The Revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague. London: Penguin.

Bakke, Elisabeth (1999): Doomed to failure? The Czechoslovak nation project and the Slovak autonomist reaction 1918–1938. Oslo: Series of dissertations submitted to the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo.

Banac, Ivo (red.) (1992): Eastern Europe in revolution. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.

Bérenger, Jean (1994): A history of the Habsburg Empire 1273-1700. London: Longman.

Berglund, Sten, Tomas Hellén, & Frank H Aarebrot (red.) (1998): The handbook of political change in Eastern Europe. Cheltenham & Northhampton: Edward Elgar. Berglund, Sten, Frank Aarebrot, Henry Vogt & Georgi Karasimeonov (2001): Challenges to democracy. Eastern Europe ten years after the collapse of communism. Cheltenham & Northhampton: Edward Elgar.

Bruszt, László & Stark, David (1992): Remaking the political field in Hungary: From the politics of confrontation to the politics of competition, i Ivo Banac (red.): Eastern Europe in revolution. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.

Bryant, Christopher G.A. & Edmund Mokrzycki (red) (1994): The new great transformation? Change and Continuity in East Central Europe. London: Routledge.

Bugajski, Janusz (1995): Ethnic politics in Eastern Europe: a guide to nationality policies, organizations and parties. London: M.E. Sharpe.

Bugge, Peter (1996): Tjekker og slovaker mellem stat og nation, i Bundt, Kate Hansen (red.): Sentral-Europa. Fortid, Nåtid og Fremtid. Oslo: Europa-programmet.

Bundt, Kate Hansen (red.) (1996): Sentral-Europa. Fortid, Nåtid og Fremtid. Oslo: Europa-programmet.

Burgess, Adam (1997): Divided Europe. The new domination of the East. London & Chicago: Pluto Press.

Crawford, Beverly & Lijphart, Arend (red.) (1997): Liberalization and Leninist Legacies: Comparative Perspectives on Democratic Transitions. Berkeley: University of California.

Dawisha, Karen & Bruce Parrot (red.) (1997): The consolidation of democracy in East-Central Europe. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press.

Doorenspleet, Renske (2001): The fourth wave of democratization. Leiden: Dr.gradsavhandling.

Dreifelds, Juris (1996): Latvia in Transition. Cambridge: Brock University Press.

Eliason, Leslie C. & Lene Bøgh Sørensen (red) (2002): Fascism, Liberalism and Social Democracy in Central Europe: Past and present. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Fitzmaurice, John (1998): Politics and government in the Visegrad countries. London: Palgrave.

Hancock, M. Donald & John Logue (red.) (2000): Transitions to capitalism and democracy in Russia and Central Europe. Westport & London: Praeger.

Henderson, Karen (1999): Back to Europe. Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union. London: UCL Press.

Higley, John, Jan Pakulski & Wlodzimierz Wesolowski (red.) (1998): Postcommunist elites and democracy in Eastern Europe. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Holy, Ladislav (1996): The little Czech and the great Czech nation. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hroch, Miroslav (1985): Social preconditions of national revival in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hroch, Miroslav (2000): Social preconditions of national revival on Europe: A comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations. New York: Columbia University Press.

Judt, Tony (1990): The rediscovery of Central Europe, i Dædalus, Winter 1990: 23–54.

Juska, Arunas (1999): Ethno-political transformation in the states of the former USSR, i Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 22, no. 3/1999: 524–553.

Kann, Robert (1993): Geschichte des Habsburgerreiches 1526 bis 1918. Wien, Köln & Weimar: Böhlau Verlag.

Kann, Robert/David, Zdeněk V. (1984): The peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, 1526-1918. A history of East Central Europe, Volume VI. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.

Karatnycky, Adrian, Alexander Motyl & Amanda Schnetzer (2002): Nations in transit 2002. Civic Society, Democracy, and Markets in East Central Europe and the Newly Independent States. New Brunswick, NJ: Freedom House/Transaction publishers.

Karvonen, Lauri (1997): Demokratisering. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. (1995): A history of Slovakia. The struggle for survival. London: Macmillan.

Kitschelt, Herbert, Zdenka Mansfeldova, Radoslaw Markowski & Gábor Tóka (1999): Post-Communist Party Systems. Competition, Representation and Inter-Party Cooperation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kommisrud, Arne (1996): Long Terms Perspectives on Eastern European Nation Building and Nationalism", i Øystein Sørensen (red.) Nationalism in Small European Nations. Oslo: KULTs skriftserie No. 47.

Konrád, György (1995): Die alte Brücke, i Identität und Hysterie. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkampf.

Kopecký, Petr & Mudde, Cas (1999): The 1998 Parliamentary and senate elections in the Czech republic, i Electoral studies 18 (1999): 415–24.

Krupavicius, Algis (1998): The Post-communist Transition and Institutionalization of Lithuania’s Parties, i: Hofferbert, Richard (red): Parties and Democracy: Party Structure and Party Performance in old and new Democracies. Oxford: Blackwell.

Le Rider, Jacques (1994): Mitteleuropa. Auf den Spuren eines Begriffes. Wien: Deuticke.

Leff, Carol Skalnik (1988): National conflict in Czechoslovakia. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Lord, Christopher (red) (2000): Central Europe: Core or periphery? København: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Magocsi, Paul Robert (1993): Historical Atlas of East Central Europe, A History of East Central Europe, Vol. I. Seattle & London: University of Washington Press.

Mannová, Elena et al (2000): A concise history of Slovakia. Bratislava: Historický ústav SAV.

Mønnesland, Svein (1992): Før Jugoslavia og etter. Oslo: Sypress forlag.

Neumann, Iver B. (1999): Making regions: Central Europe, Kap. 5 i Uses of the other "the East" in European identity formation. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Nørgaard, Ole & Lars Johannsen, with Mette Skak & Rene Hauge Sørensen (1999): The Baltic States after Independence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

O'Donnell, Guillermo & Philippe C. Schmitter (1986): Tentative conclusions about uncertain democracies, i Guillermo O'Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter & Laurence Whitehead (red.): Transitions from authoritarian rule: prospects for democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Plecitá-Vlachová, Klára & Mary Stegmaier (2003): The Chamber of Deputies election, Czech Republic 2002, i Electoral Studies 22 (2003): 765–807.

Pridham, Geoffrey & Tatu Vanhanen (red.) (1994): Democratization in Eastern Europe. Domestic and international perspectives. London: Routledge.

Przeworski, Adam (1986): Some problems in the study of the transition to democracy, i Guillermo O'Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter & Laurence Whitehead (red.): Transitions from authoritarian rule: prospects for democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Rothschild, Joseph (1992): East Central Europe between the Two World Wars. A history of East Central Europe. Vol. IX. Seattle & London: University of Washington Press.

Rothschild, Joseph (1993): Return to Diversity. A Political History of East Central Europe Since World War II. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rupnik, Jacques (1990): Central Europe or Mitteleuropa? i Dædalus, Winter 1990: 249–75.

Schiander, Knut (1999): Kontraktsdemokrati versus forhandlet overgang – hvordan det umulige ble mulig, i Internasjonal politikk 57 (4) 1999: 527–50.

Schöpflin, George (1993): Politics in Eastern Europe. London: Blackwell.

Schöpflin, George (2000): Nations, identity, power. New York: New York University Press.

Sedaitis, Judith & Jim Butterfield (red.) (1991): Perestroika from Below. Social Movements in the Soviet Union. Boulder: Westview Press.

Seim, Jardar (1994): Østeuropas historie. Oslo: Aschehoug.

Seim, Jardar (1999): Øst-Europa etter murens fall. Oslo: Aschehoug.

Shvetsova, Olga (1999): A survey of post-communist electoral institutions: 1990–1998, i Electoral Studies 18 (1999): 397–409. Sitter, Nick (2002): Cleavages, Party Strategy and Party System Change in Europe, East and West, i Perspectives on European Politics and Society, vol 3 (2002): 3, pp. 425-451.

Smith Graham (red) (1996): The nationalities question in the post-Soviet states. London & New York: Longman.

Steen, Anton (1997): The elite network state, Kap. 19 i Steen, Anton: Between Past and Future: Elites, Democracy and the State in Post-Communist Countries. A Comparison of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Aldershot: Ashgate. Stein, Eric (1997): Czecho/Slovakia. Ethnic conflict. Constitutional Fissure. Negotiated Breakup. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

Sugar, Peter & Lederer, John (1994): Nationalism in Eastern Europe. Seattle & London: University of Washington Press.

Sugar, Peter (red.) (1995): Eastern European Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. Washington DC: The American University Press.

Svanberg, Ingvar & Söhrman (red.) (1996): Balkan. Folk og länder i krig och fred. Uppsala: Arena.

Wandycz, Piotr S. (1993): The price of freedom. A history of East Central Europe from the Middle ages to the present. London & New York: Routledge.

Wolff, Larry (1994): Inventing Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Aarebrot, Frank & Terje Knutsen (red.) (2000): Politics and citizenship on the Eastern Baltic seaboard. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 21:10 - Sist endra 26. juni 2007 16:14