Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
22.01.2004Liv Tørres   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus  Recalling the mainstream theories  Literature: Törnquist (1999; Ch.12)

Recommended: Törnquist (1999: Ch. 1-11), Kohli et.al. (1995) 

29.01.2004Liv Tørres  Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Critical perspectives on transitions and the new crafting of democracies  Literature: Gill (2000) & Carother (2002)

Recommended: “Debating the Transition Paradigm” in Journal of Democracy 2002: Carother (2002b); Hyman; O’Donnell; Nodia; Plattner; Wollack) & Avritzer (2000): Introduction & chapt. 1 

05.02.2004Liv Tørres   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Global constraints and local institution building  Literature: Torres (2001), Aidt et al (2002), Hoogvelt (1997)

Recommended: Dollar (2001); Bhagwati (2002) 

12.02.2004Olle Törnquist   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   From electoral to human rights-based or substantial democracy  Literature: Beetham (1999), UNDP (2002), Törnquist (2003)

Recommended: Beetham (1999) 

19.02.2004Liv Tørres   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   The impact of culture and political legitimacy  Literature: Inglehart (1997); Huntington (1997); Hefner (2000);

Recommended: Hadenius (1992) 

26.02.2004Liv Tørres & Olle Törnquist   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   State – civil society  Literature: Avritzer (2002), Migdal et al (1994); Mamdani (1996); Sidel (1999); Hansen (1999); Törnquist (2003), Tørres (2003); Giugni (1998), Harriss et al (2003)

Recommended: Putnam (1993) & Coleman (1988) Harriss (2001) 

01.01.2003SEMINARS: Morten Bøås is responsible for the lectures/seminars on Africa and Vegard Bye and Benedicte Bull are responsible for Latin America.   SEMINARS: Room 1001 and 545 ESH  SEMINARS:   SEMINARS: The last part of the course (i.e. sessions 7 – 11) will be run as parallel sessions. Students can follow either the in-depth lectures/seminars on Africa or on Latin America. The course material will be introduced by lectures (1-2) and followed up by seminars where students are expected to present and discuss each-others ideas for essays. 
04.03.2004Vegard Bye  Room 1001 ESH  Contextual studies: Latin America  Theoretical perspectives on democratic transition and consolidation in Latin America. 
11.03.2004Vegard Bye   Room 1001 ESH   Contextual studies: Latin America   How solid democratic consolidation in South America? 
25.03.2004Benedicte Bull  Room 1001 ESH   Contextual studies: Latin America   How solid democratic consolidation in Central America? 
01.04.2003Benedicte Bull   Room 1001 ESH   Contextual studies: Latin America   Discussion of essays, based on presentation from students. 
15.04.2004Benedicte Bull  Room 1001 ESH   Contextual studies: Latin America   Discussion of essays, based on presentation from students. 
04.03.2004Morten Bøås  Room 545 ESH   Contextual studies: Africa  Morten Bøås will present the plan for the seminars on Africa at the first meeting on the 4th of March 
11.03.2004Morten Bøås   Room 545 ESH   Contextual studies: Africa   Morten Bøås will present the plan for the seminars on Africa at the first meeting on the 4th of March  
18.03.2004Morten Bøås   Room 545 ESH   Contextual studies: Africa   Morten Bøås will present the plan for the seminars on Africa at the first meeting on the 4th of March 
25.03.2004Morten Bøås   Room 545 ESH   Contextual studies: Africa   Morten Bøås will present the plan for the seminars on Africa at the first meeting on the 4th of March  
01.04.2004Morten Bøås   Room 545 ESH   Contextual studies: Africa   Morten Bøås will present the plan for the seminars on Africa at the first meeting on the 4th of March  
03.06.2004Olle Törnquist and Liv Tørres  Room 1001 ESH  Contextual studies: Africa & Latin America   Summarise and discuss general and overall issues,issues arising from the essays etc. 
Published Nov. 10, 2003 5:31 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2004 4:37 PM