Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
20.09.2005Olle Törnquist  Room 847, Eilert Sundts hus  Introductory meeting on the course requirements, literature and examination.  Attendance is compulsory for MA students.

Time: 17-18 

10.10.2005Benedicte Bull, Kristian Stokke, Kristi Anne Stölen, Olle Törnquist, Einar Braathen  Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   Globalisation and the Crisis of the Mainstream   Globalisation: (Benedicte Bull; Kristian Stokke and Kristi Anne Stölen) - (Literature: Mohan, G. and Stokke, K, 2005, Teichman, 2001) (Olle Törnquist) (Literature: Carothers 2004, Törnquist 2004 and 2005) - Dilemmas of Promoting Governance Reform and Decentralism (Einar Braathen) (Literature: Braathen, E. and Orre, A., 2001, Crook, R.C., 2003, Eriksen, S.S,, J. Naustdalslid and A.Schou, 1999)

Time: 10.15 -15.00 

10.10.2005Olle Törnqvist   Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   1st presentation of plans for essay-papers (MA students only)  Time: 15.15 - 16.00 
11.10.2005Olle Törnqvist, Kristian Stokke, Einar Braathen,, Kristi Anne Stölen, Liv Törres and others  Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   The New Local Politics of Democratisation  -The New Local Politics of Democratisation: A critique (Olle Törnquist and Kristian Stokke) (Literature: Harriss, Stokke and Törnquist 2004)

-Dilemmas of Radical Experiments: Brazil (Porto Alegre), Central America, Kerala, and South Africa(social movement unionism) (Einar Braathen,, Kristi Anne Stölen, Olle Törnquist, Liv Törres and others) (Literature:Törnquist 2004, Lier, D. C. and Stokke, K. (In progress) Baiocchi, G., 2004, Braathen, E. and Chavez, D, 2005)

Time: 10.15 -15.00  

11.10.2005Olle Törnqvist   Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   2nd presentation of plans for essay-papers (MA students only)  Time: 15.15 - 16.00  
12.10.2005Peris Jones, Kristian Stokke and Kristi Anne Stölen  Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   Rights and Conflict   -The Politics of Human Rights: The South African Experience (Peris Jones and Kristian Stokke) (Literature: Jones, P. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming, 2005), Habib, A. (forthcoming, 2005), Tørres, L. (forthcoming, 2005), Ballard, R. (forthcoming, 2005),Sachs, A. (forthcoming, 2005), Gloppen, S. (forthcoming, 2005), Heywood, M. (forthcoming, 2005)

-Peace and Development without Conflicts and Politics (Kristian Stokke) (Literature: Coomaraswamy, R. (2003). Shanmugaratnam, N. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming, 2005), Beetham, D. (1999), Coomaraswamy, R. (2003), Mohan, G. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming, 2005). -Post-conflict dynamics (Kristi Anne Stölen) (Literature: …to be confirmed……………….)

Time: 10.15 -15.00  

12.10.2005Olle Törnqvist   Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   3rd presentation of plans for essay-papers (MA students only)  Time: 15.15 - 16.00  
13.10.2005Kristian Stokke and Olle Törnquist  Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   Approaches, Applications and Methods  -Analytical approaches to Local Politics and democratisation (Kristian Stokke and Olle Törnquist) (Literature: Harriss, Stokke and Törnquist 2004, Törnquist 2005 b, Stokke 2002,Luckham, R., Goetz, A. M., and Kaldor, M. (2003). Beetham, D. (1999). Jones, P. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming 2005).

-Assessing democracy from below (Olle Törnquist) (Literature: Törnquist 2005b) -Approaches and methods in the study conflicts and rights (Kristian Stokke et.al.) (Literature: See first lecture above)

Time: 10.15 -15.00  

13.10.2005Olle Törnqvist   Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   4th presentation of plans for essay-papers (MA students only)  Time: 15.15 - 16.00  
14.10.2005Neil Webster, Danish Center for International Studies, Bjørn Beckman, University of Stockholm, John Harriss, London School of Economics  Room 830, Eilert Sundts hus   Guest Lecturers on Related Projects in the Contextual Politics Network  -Local Politics against Poverty (Dr. Neil Webster; Danish Institute for International Studies) (Literature: ……not confirmed…………….) -Patrons and Bosses, Fixers and Strongmen in Localised Politics Bjørn Beckman; University of Stockholm: Labour and Democracy: Do trade unions matter? (Literature: Harriss et al., 2004) -The State-Civil Society Dynamics (Prof. John Harriss; London School of Economics and Political Studies) (Literature:Harriss, 2005, Lavalle et al. 2005)

Time: 10.15 -16.00  

Published Apr. 21, 2005 5:46 PM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2005 2:15 PM