Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.08.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  Introduction to the course: an overview   Literature: Andersen and Eliassen (2001) 
25.08.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  Theoretical perspectives on European integration  Literature: Aspinwall and Schneider (2000); Egeberg (forthcoming 1), Kohler-Koch (1996); Olsen (1999); Sverdrup (1999) 
01.09.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  The European Commission: leadership, organisation and personnel   Literature: Nugent (2001) 
08.09.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  The European Commission: committee system and interest groups  Literature: Egeberg et al. (2003); Greenwood (2003), Mazey and Richardson (1996); Nugent (2001); Schaefer (1996) 
15.09.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  The Council of the European Union: functions and political leadership  Literature: Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (1997); ch. 1,2,5-11 
22.09.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  The Council of the European Union: the committee system  Literature: Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (1997); ch. 3,5,7-11; Kerremans (1996); Schaefer (1996); Egeberg et al.(2003); Joerges and Neyer (1997) 
29.09.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  The European Parliament: structure and function  Literature: Hayes-Renshaw (1997), ch. 8; Nugent (1999), ch. 7 
06.10.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  Changing EU institutions – is design possible?  Literature: Olsen (2001); Sverdrup (1999); Crum (2003) 
13.10.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  EU impacts on national institutions, politics and policies: theories  Literature: Hix and Goetz (2001); Knill (1998); Olsen (1992) 
20.10.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  Advice on course papers or litarature, arranged individually    
27.10.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  EU impacts on national institutions, politics and policies: empirics  Literature: Egeberg (forthcoming), Goetz (2001); Knill (1998); Sverdrup (2004)  
03.11.2004Morten Egeberg, in co-operation with Ulf Sverdrup and Johan P. Olsen   Rom 1001 ESH  Summing up and course evaluation   
Published Apr. 22, 2004 3:01 PM - Last modified July 7, 2004 1:27 PM