
Aberbach, J. og T. Christensen: Citizens and Consumers: An NPM Dilemma, 2004. Public Management Review,vol.7, no 2 (June): 225-246. (33 s).

Boston, J. , J. Martin, J. Pallot og P. Walsh: Public Management. The New Zealand Model, 1996. Auckland: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2. (27 s).

Christensen, T.: "Staten og reformenes forunderlige verden." i Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. 2006. (kommer). 20 s..

Christensen T. og P. Lægreid. : I T.Christensen og P.Lægreid (red.), New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 2001. Aldershot: Ashgate. Kap. 1, 2, 6 og 13 (78 s).

Christensen, T. og P.Lægreid : Regulatory Agencies – The Challenges of Balancing Agency Autonomy and Political Control, 2004. Paper til The 20th Anniversary Conference of the Structure and Organization of Government Research Committee of the International Political Science Association, “Smart Practices Toward Innovation in Public Management”. Vancouver, June 15-17, 2004. (34 s).

Christensen, T., P.Lægreid og A.Ramslien: Styring og autonomi.Organisasjonsformer i norsk utlendingsforvaltning, 2006. Universitetsforlaget.Kap.1,3-5,7. 120 s..

Fountain, Jane E: Paradoxes of Public Sector Customer Service, 2001. Governance 14, 55-73 (18 s).

From, J: Hvor moderne? Konkurranseutsetting i offentlig sector, 2003. Oslo: Abstrakt. Kap. 1 og 8. (44s).

Gregory, B: Transforming Governmental Culture: A Sceptical View of New Public Management, 2001. I T.Christensen og P.Lægreid (red.), New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate. (29 s).

Gregory, B: All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men: Putting New Zealand’s Public Sector Back Together Again, 2003. International Public Management Review, 4 (2):41-58. (17s).

Halligan, J: The Australia Public Service: Redefining Boundaries, 2004. I J.Halligan (red.), Civil Service Systems in Anglo-American Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (30 s.).

Halligan, J.: The Reassertion of the Centre in A First Generation NPM System. I T.Christensen og P.Lægreid (red.).Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State, 2006 (kommer). London: Edward Elgar. 29 s.

Olsen, J.P: Analyzing Institutional Dynamics, 1992. Staatwissenschaften und Staatspraxis, 3(2):247-271. (25 s).

Pollitt, C: The New Public Management in International Perspective: An Analysis of Impacts and Effects, 2002. I K. McLaughlin, S.P. Osborne og E.Ferlie (red.), New Public Management. Current Trends and Future Prospects. London og New York: Routledge. (19 s).

Pollitt, C: Joined-up Government, 2003. Political Studies Review, 1, 1: 34-49. (15 s).

Pollitt, C. og G.Bouckaert: Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2.utgave (192 s).

Rhodes, Rod : Reinventing Whitehall 1979-1995, 1997. I W.Kickert (red.): Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe. (17 s).

Sahlin-Andersson, K: National, International and Transnational Construction of New Public Management, 2001. In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate. (30s).

Talbot, B: The Agency Idea: sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes borrowed, sometimes untrue, 2004. I C. Pollitt og C. Talbot (red.), Unbundled Government. A critical analysis of the global trend to agencies, quangos and contractualisation. London og New York: Routledge. (19 s).

Totalt antall sider: 796

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Publisert 27. apr. 2006 11:19 - Sist endret 3. mai 2006 10:46