STV9100 – Doctoral Seminar

Course content

The doctoral degree seminar is mandatory for all candidates who have started their PhD programme in political science from the autumn semester of 2010. STV9100C Introduction to the role of researcher is mandatory only for candidates who started their programmes from the autumn semester 2013. Candidates who started before the autumn semester 2013 are encouraged to participate, although this is not mandatory. The various elements of the seminar are expected to be completed according to the recommended plan.

The doctoral degree seminar consists of three parts. All three parts must be completed before the seminar can be approved:

STV9100A Outline seminar
STV9100B Summary and synthesis seminar
STV9100C Introduction to the role of researcher *

* mandatory only for candidates who have started from the autumn semester 2013.

STV9100A Outline seminar

This seminar is arranged every semester. The PhD candidates complete the seminar during their first or second semester in the programme. In the outline seminar, the students present their project outlines (up to 10 pages, to be submitted in advance) to the other participants in the PhD programme, the head of research, the supervisors and two opponents appointed by the department. In addition to substantial plans (research questions, identification of academic discourses to which the thesis will seek to contribute, theoretical perspectives and design of the investigation), emphasis is placed on the project plan, including the structure of the thesis and progress plan, as well as any exchange periods abroad. The students are expected to participate actively in the discussion of each of the project outlines submitted, and they will also receive feedback on the content and feasibility of their own projects. The participants will summarize the lessons learned from this feedback in a short practice memo (outline memo) to be submitted to the department and supervisors after the seminar.

STV9100B Summary and synthesis seminar

This seminar is arranged every semester. The PhD candidates complete the seminar in the last semester prior to the planned submission of their thesis. At the summary and synthesis seminar the students present their introductions (for collections of articles) or introductory and concluding chapters (for monographs) that have been submitted in advance to other candidates in the PhD programme, the head of research, the supervisors and two opponents appointed by the department. The candidates summarize the lessons learned from the feedback in a brief practice memo (summary and synthesis memo) to be submitted to the department and the supervisors within three weeks after the seminar.


STV9100C Introduction to the role of researcher

This seminar is arranged every autumn semester. The PhD students are expected to complete this course during their first year in the programme. The course consists of a full-day session. To have the course approved, students must participate actively in lectures and group work all day and submit a practice memo to the course leader within three weeks after the course.

Learning outcome

The outline seminar is intended to help:

  • develop and refine your PhD project.
  • increase the feasibility of the project, focusing on specific objectives during the process and a realistic plan for its completion.
  • at an early stage provide you with training in how to present and provide reasons for your own research.
  • provide you with training in how to assess the research designs of others and give constructive feedback.
  • provide you with an opportunity to become acquainted with other PhD students inside and outside the Department of Political Science.

The summary and synthesis seminar is intended to help:

  • provide you with specific feedback on your introduction or the introductory and concluding chapters prior to submission of your thesis.
  • provide you with training in presenting and documenting key findings and results from your own research, including to audiences that are not experts in your discipline.
  • provide you with training in how to assess the academic presentations of others and give constructive feedback.

Introduction to the role of researcher is intended to help:

  • provide you with insight into the practical skills you will need as a researcher.
  • familiarize you with techniques that can ensure progress in your PhD project, stimulate the writing process and handle various media.
  • familiarize you with criteria that are often used in peer review of manuscripts and project applications.
  • provide you with insight into your own practice as a researcher, disseminator and participant in academic networks.


The PhD seminar is reserved for students who have been admitted to the PhD programme at the Department of Political Science.

Registration for the PhD seminar is done through StudentWeb. Use the following course codes:

  • Outline seminar: STV9100A
  • Summary and synthesis seminar: STV9100B
  • Introduction to the role of researcher: STV9100C

Approval of the seminar

Each seminar consists of three elements. All elements must be completed before the seminar can be approved. Candidates who started prior to autumn 2013 need only complete STV9100A and STV9100B. For each of the three seminars, completion includes:

  • only for STV9100A and STV9100B: work submitted in advance (outline or introduction/introductory chapter)
  • active participation at the session
  • submission of a practice memo

An approved PhD seminar results in 3 credits.

Facts about this course

Teaching language