Syllabus/achievement requirements

Please note: All articles are available online unless marked with "compendium". The compendium can be bought at the Akademika bookstore on Blindern Campus.


Introduction to the course

Asdal, Kristin, Brita Brenna and Ingunn Moser (2007) The Politics of Interventions. A History of STS. In: Asdal, Kristin, Brita Brenna and Ingunn Moser (eds.), Technoscience. The Politics of Interventions, 7-53. Oslo: Unipub.


Fourcade, Marion (2011) Cents and Sensibility: Economic Valuation and the Nature of “Nature”. American Journal of Sociology, 116(6), 1721-1777.


Mitchell, Timothy (2009) Carbon democracy. Economy and Society 38(3), 399-432.



Theme 1: The Climate Society

Asayama, Shinichiro, Rob Bellamy, Oliver Geden, Warren Pearce and Mike Hulme (2019) Why setting a climate deadline is dangerous. Nature Climate Change 9 (2019), 570-572.


Asdal, Kristin (2011) The office: The weakness of numbers and the production of non-authority. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36(1), 1-9.


Beck, Silke (2011) Moving beyond the linear model of expertise? IPCC and the test of adaptation. Regional Environmental Change, 11(2), 297-306.


Beck, Silke and Martin Mahony (2017) The IPCC and the politics of anticipation. Nature Climate Change, 7(5), 311-313.


Carlsen, Henrik, Richard J. T. Klein and Per Wikman-Svahn (2017) Transparent scenario development. Nature Climate Change, 7 (2017), 613.


Hermansen, Erlend A. T. (2015) Policy window entrepreneurship: the backstage of the world’s largest REDD+ initiative. Environmental Politics, 24(6), 932-950.


Hulme, Mike (2011) Reducing the Future to Climate: A Story of Climate Determinism and ReductionismOsiris, 26(1), 245-266.


Lahn, Bård and Göran Sundqvist (2017) Science as a “fixed point”? Quantification and boundary objects in international climate politics. Environmental Science & Policy, 67 (2017), 8-15.


MacKenzie, Donald (2009) Making things the same: Gases, emission rights and the politics of carbon markets. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34(3-4), 440-455.


Mahony, Martin and Mike Hulme (2016) Epistemic geographies of climate change: Science, space and politics. Progress in Human Geography 42(3), 395-424.


Porter, Theodore M. (1992) Quantification and the Accounting Ideal in Science. Social Studies of Science, 22(4), 633-652.


Sundqvist, Göran, Ingemar Bohlin, Erlend A.T. Hermansen and Steven Yearley (2015) Formalisation and separation: A systematic basis for interpreting approaches to summarizing science for climate policy. Social Studies of Science, 45(3), 416-440.


Yearley, Steven (2009) Sociology and Climate Change after Kyoto: What Roles for Social Science in Understanding Climate Change? Current Sociology, 57(3), 389-405.



Theme 2: The Good Economy

Allen, John and Stephanie Lavau (2015) ‘Just in time’ Disease. Biosecurity, poultry and power. Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(3), 342-360.


Asdal, Kristin (2015) Enacting values from the sea. On innovation devices, value practices, and the co-modifications of markets and bodies in aquaculture. In: Dussauge, Isabelle, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson and Francis Lee (eds.), Value practices in the life sciences and medicine, 168-184. Oxford: Oxford University Press (compendium).


Asdal, Kristin, Tone Druglitrø and Steve Hinchliffe (2017) Ch. 1. Introduction: the ‘more-than-human- condition: sentient creatures and versions of biopolitics. In: Asdal, Druglitrø and Hinchliffe (eds.), Humans, animals and biopolitics: The more-than-human condition, 1-29. London: Routledge (compendium).


Çalışkan, Koray and Michel Callon (2009) Economization, part 1: shifting attention from the economy towards processes of economization. Economy and Society, 38(3), 369-398.


Callon, Michel and Fabian Muniesa (2005) Peripheral Vision: Economic Markets as Calculative Collective Devices. Organization Studies, 26(8), 1229-1250.


Chiapello, Eve (2015) Financialisation of Valuation. Human Studies, 38(1), 13-35.


Cooper, Melinda (2008) “Introduction” and Ch. 1 “Life Beyond the Limits”. In: Life as Surplus. Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era, 3-50. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press (compendium).


Dewey, John (1939) Theory of Valuation. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Vol. II, No. 4. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Druglitrø, Tone (2018) “Skilled Care” and the Making of Good Science. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 43(4), 649-670.


Foucault, Michel (2004/1978) 1 February 1978. In: Security, Territory, Population. Lectures at the Collège de France (1977-1978) (compendium).


Fourcade, Marion (2017) The fly and the cookie: alignment and unhingement in 21st-century capitalism. Socio-Economic Review 15(3), 661-678.


Horowitz, Roger (2004) Making the Chicken of Tomorrow: Reworking Poultry as Commodities and as Creatures, 1945-1990. In: Schrepfer, Susan and Philip Scranton (eds.), Industrializing Organisms. Introducing Evolutionary History. New York and London: Routledge (compendium).


Jacobsen, Einar (2014) Den moderne kyllingen. TIK/ESST master thesis.


Law, John (2010) Care and Killing: Tensions in Veterinary Practice. In: Mol, Annemarie, Ingunn Moser and Jeannette Pols (eds.), Care in Practice: Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms, 57-72. Bielefeld: Transcript Publishers.


Lemke, Thomas (2001) ‘The birth of bio-politics’: Michel Foucault's lecture at the Collège de France on neo-liberal governmentality. Economy and Society, 30(2), 190-207.


Miele, Mara (2001) The taste of happiness: free-range chicken. Environment and Planning A, 43(9), 2076-2090.


Muniesa, Fabian (2012) A flank movement in the understanding of valuationThe Sociological Review59(s2), 24-38.


Muniesa, Fabian, Yuval Millo and Michel Callon (2007) An introduction to market devicesThe Sociological Review, 55(s2), 1-12.


Pols, Jeannette (2012) Ch. 8 “Innovating care innovation”. In: Care at a Distance. On the Closeness of Technology, 135-152. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Reinecke, Juliane (2010) Beyond a subjective theory of value and towards a ‘fair price’: an organizational perspective on Fairtrade minimum price setting. Organization, 17(5), 563-581.


Rose, Nikolas (2001) The Politics of Life Itself. Theory, Culture & Society, 18(6), 1-30.


Singleton, Vicky (2012) When Contexts Meet: Feminism and Accountability in UK Cattle Farming. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 27(4), 404-433.


Squier, Susan Merrill (2011) “Introduction”. In: Poultry Science, Chicken Culture: A Partial Alphabet, 1-18. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press (compendium).


Thompson, Charis (2013) Ch. 2 “Good Science”. In: Good Science. The Ethical Choreography of Stem Cell Research, 25-65. Cambridge: MIT Press (compendium).


Optional readings (theme 2):

Asdal, Kristin, Béatrice Cointe, Bård Hobæk, Tone Huse, Silje Morsman, Tommas Måløy and Hilde Reinertsen (2019) The Good Economy: Re-casting the bioeconomy, its normativities and its troubles. Working Paper no. 3/2019, The Good Economy Working Paper Series.



Theme 3: STS and the Digital

Amelang, Katrin and Susanne Bauer (2019) Following the algorithm: How epidemiological risk-scores do accountability. Social Studies of Science 49(4), 476-502.


Bauer, Susanne (2014) From Administrative Infrastructure to Biomedical Resource: Danish Population Registries, the “Scandinavian Laboratory”, and the “Epidemiologist’s Dream”. Science in Context, 27(2), 187-213


Datatilsynet (2015) The great data race: How commercial utilisation of personal data challenges privacy. Report, November 2015.


Dourish, Paul and Edgar Gómez Cruz (2018) Datafication and data fiction: Narrating data and narrating with data. Big Data & Society, 2018, 1-10.


Flyverbom, Mikkel and John Murray (2018) Datastructuring—Organizing and curating digital traces into action. Big Data & Society, 2018, 1-12.


Gray, Jonathan, Carolin Gerlitz and Liliana Bounegru (2018) Data infrastructure literacy. Big Data & Society, 2018, 1-13.


Leonelli, Sabine, Brian Rappert and Gail Davies (2017) Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness, and Absence. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 42(2), 191-202.


Lezaun, Javier (2007) A Market of Opinions: The Political Epistemology of Focus Groups. The Sociological Review, 55(s2), 130-151.


Morita, Atsuro, Anders Blok and Shihei Kimura (2013) Environmental Infrastructures of Emergency. The Formation of a Civic Radiation Monitoring Map during the Fukushima Disaster. In: Hindmarsh, Richard (ed.), Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi: Social, Political and Environmental Issues, 78-96. London: Routledge (compendium).


Rogers, Richard (2017) Foundations of Digital Methods: Query Design. In: Schäfer, M. T. and K. van Es (eds.), The Datafied Society: Studying Culture through Data, 75-94. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Ruppert, Evelyn, John Law and Mike Savage (2013) Reassembling the Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices. Theory, Culture & Society, 30(4), 22-46.


Schwarzkopf, Stefan and Rainer Gries (2010) Ernest Dichter, Motivation Research and the ‘Century of the Consumer’. In: Ernest Dichter and Motivation Research. New Perspectives on the Making of Post-war Consumer Culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan (compendium).


Star, Susan Leigh (1999) The Ethnography of Infrastructure. American Behavioral Scientist, 43(3), 377-391.


Storsul, Tanja (2014) Deliberation or Self-presentation? Young People, Politics and Social Media. Nordicom Review, 35(2), 17-28.


Ziewitz, Malte (2016) Governing Algorithms: Myth, Mess, and Methods. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 41(1), 3-16.


Optional readings (theme 3):

Beaulieu, Anne (2016) Vectors for Fieldwork: Computational Thinking and New Modes of Ethnography. In: Hjorth, Larissa, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway and Genevieve Bel (eds), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, 29-39. New York: Routledge.


Marres, Noortje (2007) The Issues Deserve More Credit: Pragmatic Contributions to the Study of Public Involvement in Controversy. Social Studies of Science, 37(5), 759-780.










Published Dec. 4, 2019 12:46 PM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2019 11:05 AM