
Published May 11, 2016 11:20 AM

Visste du at SV-fakultetet har en nettside der det lyses ut stipender for masterstudenter?

Ta en titt!

Published Apr. 29, 2016 3:25 PM
Published Apr. 27, 2016 4:24 PM

Hei alle TIK-studenter,

Husk at dere må søke om veileder på masteroppgaven senest 1.mai! Skjemaet stenger 1.mai kl 23.59.

Published Apr. 18, 2016 11:09 AM

Hvert år lyser TIK-senteret ut et studentstipend. Det er forskjellige søknadsfrister for TIK og ESST:

  • ESST: 1.mai (2.semester)
  • TIK: 1.november (3.semester)

Les mer og søk her!

Published Apr. 15, 2016 10:27 AM

An example of how a thesis outline might look has now been published in Fronter, in the room "TIK4040 - Fellesrom".

NB! This outline does not have an individual reading list attached. Remember that you also have to submit a reading list.

Published Apr. 13, 2016 12:43 PM

SIVAC-prosjektet trenger en student som kan hjelpe til med behandling av data. I første omgang går arbeidet ut på å systematisere en datafil sammen med stipendiat Erlend Simensen. Det er også gode mulighet for forlengelse av engasjementet, da prosjektet ganske sikkert har behov for mer hjelp fremover.

Vi er derfor på utkikk etter en strukturert student som kan starte så tidlig som mulig. Man trenger ikke å være en statistiker, men gode ferdigheter i Office-pakka (spesielt Excel) er en fordel.

Send gjerne inn en kort søknad (0,5 side) før onsdag den 20. april. Lønn utbetales etter fastsatte satser basert på timelister.

Send søknaden pr epost til

Published Apr. 8, 2016 11:35 AM

Why did you choose innovation over STS, or vice versa, this spring?

With regards to planning next year's teaching, we ask you to answer this 2-minute survey (in Norwegian).

Thank you!

Published Apr. 4, 2016 4:07 PM

Jens Plahte will hold a seminar at TIK on antibiotic resistance and innovation on April 13th. All students are welcome to attend!

Title: Proposals for new incentives and reward models for stimulating antibiotics innovation

Time and Place: TIK, room 551. April 13th, 13:15-15:00.

Read more about the seminar here.

Published Apr. 4, 2016 12:50 PM

Gruppe 3 (Irenes gruppe) skal ha sitt neste seminar 20.april kl 14.15-16, som dere ble enige ompå seminaret i dag.

Seminaret holdes i møterom 551 her på TIK (ved siden av lesesalen).


Published Mar. 18, 2016 10:56 AM

Interested in Learning about trasnportation Challenges in Russia, Mongolia and China this summer?

The Asia-Europe Foundation will organize a 2-week summer university train ride this summer, open for students from all auropean and asian countries.

Interested? Check out the website!

Published Mar. 14, 2016 10:21 AM

Lyst til å jobbe med klima og miljø? Få tips til hvordan du får drømmejobben. Tidligere TIK-studenter fra Oslo kommune og Oslo Renewable Energy and Environment Cluster (OREEC) vil gi deg innsikt i jobb og karrieremuligheter i denne bransjen.

Kom på U1 16. mars, klokken 16.15 og møt samfunnsvitere fra

  • Klima- og miljødepartementet,
  • Bellona,
  • Transportøkonomisk institutt,
  • Oslo kommune og
  • Oslo Renewable Energy and Environment Cluster.

Det serveres pizza på arrangementet!

Meld deg på her.

In English: This workshop is unfortunately only in Norwegian, sorry!

Published Feb. 26, 2016 11:25 AM

The student evaluation of TIK4001 autumn 2015 is now available on the bottom of the TIK4001 course page.

The evaluation was discussed in the Program Board on January 25th - read the minutes here.


Published Feb. 24, 2016 1:31 PM

Group 2 - TIK Innovation 2 has had a change of Group leaders. Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez will take over this Group from Tuukka Mäkitie.

Jakoba, like Tuukka, will hold the seminars in English. She can, however, read Norwegian.


Published Feb. 17, 2016 12:08 PM

The PowerPoints from yesterday's Presentation of TIK Research can be found in Fronter.

Published Feb. 15, 2016 8:40 AM

Osloforskning offers a stipend of 20.000 NOK to students writing their master thesis on an Oslo related subject. Read more and apply (only in Norwegian).

English-speaking and writing Your thesis on an Oslo related subject? Contact Katalin Godberg.

Published Feb. 11, 2016 3:10 PM

CICERO Senter for klimaforskning are looking for master students with climate/energy related thesis topics. They offer office space, supervision and a stipend of 4500 NOK/month.

Read more and apply here! (only in Norwegian)


NB! The webiste says political science, but contact person Elin L. Boasson has assured me that other students are more than welcome to apply

Published Feb. 9, 2016 2:54 PM

Seminar 3 has been moved from wednesday March 9th to Monday March 7th. Time and Place: 10.15-12, room 529 here at TIK. See schedule.

Published Dec. 16, 2015 3:24 PM

Group 3 will have their second seminar on April 15th instead of April 18th.