Syllabus/achievement requirements

Battilana, J., Leca, B., & Boxenbaum, E. (2009). How actors change institutions: towards a theory of institutional entrepreneurship. The academy of management annals, 3(1), 65-107. (42 pages)

Bergek, A. & Onufrei, K. 2013. Is one path enough? Multiple paths and path interaction as an extension of path dependence theory, Industrial and Corporate Change, 23:5, 1261-1297 (36 pages)

Bergek, A., Berggren, C., Magnusson, T., & Hobday, M. (2013). Technological discontinuities and the challenge for incumbent firms: Destruction, disruption or creative accumulation? Research Policy, 42(6-7), 1210–1224. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2013.02.009 (14 pages)

Binz, C., Truffer, B., & Coenen, L. (2016). Path Creation as a Process of Resource Alignment and Anchoring: Industry Formation for On-Site Water Recycling in Beijing. Economic Geography, 92(2), 172-200. (28 pages)

Boschma, R. ; Coenen, L. ; Frenken, K. and Truffer,B. ( 2016). Towards a Theory of Regional Diversification, PEEG working paper 16.17, (23 pages)

Frenken, K. 2016, A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective on Innovation Policy, ISU working paper 16.01, (17 pages)

Garud, R., Kumaraswamy, A., & Karnøe, P. (2010). Path dependence or path creation?. Journal of Management Studies, 47(4), 760-774. (14 pages)

Karnøe, P. & Garud, R. 2012. Path creation: Co-creation of heterogeneous resources in the emergence of the Danish wind turbine cluster, European Planning Studies, 20:15, 733-752 (19 pages)

Markard, J., & Truffer, B. (2008). Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: Towards an integrated framework. Research Policy, 37(4), 596–615. (19 pages)

Onufrey, K. & Bergek, A. (2015): Self-reinforcing mechanisms in a multi-technology industry: understanding sustained technological variety in a context of path dependency, Industry & Innovation 22 (6): 523-551. (28 pages)

Simmie, J. 2012. Path dependence and new technological path creation in the Danish wind power industry, European Planning Studies, 20:5, 753-772 (19 pages)

Strambach, S. (2008): Path Dependency and Path Plasticity: the Coevolution of Institutions and Innovation - the German Customized Business Software Industry, Working Papers on Innovation and Space, No. 02.08 (31 pages)

Published Sep. 5, 2016 12:18 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2016 12:18 PM