
Woodhead, L. and Heelas, P.: Religion in Modern Times. An Interpretive Anthology, 2000. Oxford: Blackwell . (utval, ca. 350 s.).

Davie, G. : Europe: The Exceptional Case. Parameters of Faith in the Modern World, 2002 . London: Darton, Longman and Todd . (161 s).

Coward, H. : Pluralism in the World Religions. A Short Introduction, Oxford: Oneworld . (158 s).

Stålsett, St. og Leirvik, O. (red.): The Power of Faiths in Global Politics, 2004. Oslo: Novus Press. s. 7-82, 93-105 og 165-178 (tils. 100 s).

Habermas, J. : Religion in the Public Sphere, Lecture presented at Holberg Prize Seminar, Bergen November 2005. (14 s).

King, U. and Beattie, T. (eds.): Gender, Religion and Diversity. Cross-Cultural Perspectives, 2005. London: Continuum . s. 17-50, 179-237 og 250-262 (100 s).

Artiklar om islam, modernitet og religiøs endring, tilsammen 70 s. (alle er tilgjengelege på nettet):

International Crisis Group: Understanding Islamism, Middle East/North Africa Report No. 37, 2 March 2005 . (26 s). Link.

Esack, F.: In search of progressive Islam beyond 9/11 i boka Progressive Muslims. On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism O. Safi (red.) , 2003 . Oxford: Oneworld . s. 78-97.

Leirvik, O. : Report from a delegation visit to Indonesia , 2002 . Oslokoalisjonen for tros- og livssynsfrihet. (20 s) . Link.

Moghadam, V. M. : Islamic feminism: its discontents and its prospects, International Congress of Islamic Feminism, Barcelona October 2005 . (14 s). Link.

I staden for Davies bok kan ein legge opp éi av desse to bøkene:

Stålsett, St. J. (red.): Spirits of Globalization. The Growth of Pentecostalism and Experiental Spiritualities in a Global Age, 2006. SCM. (210 s, utval 160 s).

Jenkins, Ph.: The Next Christendom. The Coming of Global Christianity, 2002. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-514616-6. (210 s, utval 160 s).

Publisert 30. apr. 2006 16:50 - Sist endret 19. mai 2006 14:22