Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
  • Pensum (Literature): Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God. The Message of Jesus to-day. Maryknoll,NY: Orbis. 1995, 1-22, 54-64; Levison, John R. and Priscilla, «A Global perspective on New Testament interpretation,» in Joel B. Green (ed) Hearing the New Testament (Grand Rapids, 1995) 329-48.Luke 3-4.

  • Undervisning (Classes): 2 hrs.

  • Arbeidskrav (Prerequisites): CF:1-2 pp on initial ideas of the topic and the student’s home context
  • P: Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God,67-100; Scott, Bernard Brandon, Hear then the Parable, Minneapolis 1989. 51-62, 343-87; Mark 4, GThom 9, 20, 113.

  • U: 2hrs.

  • Ak: For 1-2 students: brief reports (2 pp) on readings, For all: comments,
  • P: Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God, 117-21, H. Moxnes, “Meals and the New Community in Luke,” SEÅ 51-52 (1986-87) 158-67. Willis, Wendell (ed.) The Kingdom of God in 20th-Century interpretation. Peabody, Mass, 1987, 131-162.Gallardo, Carlos Bravo, “Matthew. Good News for the Persecuted Poor,” in in L.E. Vaage, Subversive Scriptures. Revolutionary Readings of the Christian Bible in Latin America (Valley Forge, PA, 1997) 173-192. Matt 5-7.

  • U: 2 hrs.

  • AK: For 2 students: brief reports (2 pp) on readings, For all: comments
  • P: Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God, 122-40; Horsley, Richard A., Jesus and Empire. The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder. Minneapolis: Fortress , 2000.

  • U: 2 hrs.

  • AK For 1-2 students: brief reports (2 pp) on readings, For all: comments, CF
22.09.2003      Seminar - Hemsedal
  • P: Horsley, Richard A., Jesus and Empire. The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder. Minneapolis: Fortress , 2000.

  • U: 2 hrs.

  • AK Classfronter presentation and discussion
  • P: Davies, Stevan L. Jesus the Healer. New York: Continuum, 1995. 209 pp (selections 7-119); Mark 1-3, 5-6; Matt 8-9.

  • U: 0

  • AK: For 1-2 students: brief reports (2 pp) on readings, For all: comments on CF.
  • P: Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God, 141-48, 155-73.Sobrino, Jon, Jesus the Liberator. NY, 1993: pp. 11-22. 67-104, 121-134 .

  • U: 2 hrs., plus Individual discussions w. students on essay

  • AK: For 1-2 students: brief reports (2 pp) on readings, For all: comments on CF.
  • P: H. Hearon and A.C. Wire, “Women’s work in the Realm of God,” in M.A. Beavis (ed.) The Lost Coin. Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom (London: Sheffield, 2002) 136-57; Musa W. Dube, Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible (St.Louis: Chalice Press, 2000) 3-43.

  • U: 0 hrs.

  • AK . readings, class discussion
  • P: Fuellenbach, John, The Kingdom of God, 211-35; Manus, Ukachukwu Chris, Christ, the African King. Frankfurt am Main, 1993: 18-33, 214-38.

  • U: 0

  • AK: ClassFront-discussion
27.10.2003      P: Conclusion/ summing up.

U: 2 hrs., plus individual report to students on essay (30 min pr. student)

AK: student evaluation posted on CF  

Published Nov. 18, 2010 1:29 PM