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Cloete, Anita. 2015. ”Creative tensions in youth ministry in a congregational context». In: HTS Theologiese studies/Theological studies vol 71 No 2 (2015) (7 pages)

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Dean, Kenda Creasy. 2004. Practicing Passion. Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdman (276 Pages)


Holmquist, Morten og Afdal, Geir. 2013. ”Learning to become a Youth Minister”. Prismet 2/13; pages 95 – 106 (12 pages)

Koopman, Nico. 2007. ”Confessing And Embodying The Catholicity Of The Church In The Context Of Glocality”. In: Scriptura 94 (2007) page 29 – 39 (11 pages) Download here:

Lerheim, Birgitte. 2009. “Are Bridging Communities Healing Communities?”, In: Neville Richardson (ed.),  Broken Bodies and Healing Communities, faith-based responses to HIV and AIDS in South African township. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications


Lerheim, Birgitte. 2011. "Whose Context? Which Contextuality? Om kyrkje, kontekstualitet og kompleksitet". In: Jan Ove Ulstein & Per Magne Aadnanes (red.),  Vegar i vegløysa : ungdom, identitet og livssynsdanning i det postmoderne.  Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag (an English translation will be provided).

Meyrowitz, Joshua. 2005. ”The Rise of Glocality .New Senses of Place and Identity in the Global Village”. In: K. Nyiri (ed.). A sense of place: The global and the local in mobile communication. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, pages 21 – 30 (10 pages) Download here:

Nel, Malan. 2005. ”Why theology? It is only youth ministry”. In: Journal of Youth and Theology, Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 9 – 22 (14 pages) Download here:


Nel, Reggie. 2014. ”Discerning the role of faith communities in responding to urban youth marginalization”. In: HTS Theologiese studies/Theological studies vol 70 No 3 (2014), 9 pages

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Norheim, Bård. 2010. ”Practicing baptism: The church as communio and congregatio sanctorum. Rethinking ecclesiology in the context of Nordic youth ministry.”. In: Journal of Youth and Theology (2010) vol. 9 no. 1, pages  37 – 55. Download here:

Roebben, Bert. 2009. ”Narthical religious learning: redifining religious education in terms of pilgrimage”. In: British Journal of Religious Education Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2009, pages 17–27 (11 pages). Download here:

Roebben, Bert. 2012. ”International Developments in Youth Ministry Research. A Comparative Review”, in Religious Education 107 (2012) 2, pages 192-206 (14 pages)

Root, Andrew. 2007. Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry. From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation. (221 pages).

Ward, Pete. 2009. Participation And Mediation: A Practical Theology For The Liquid Church. Norwich: SCM Press (204 pages)

White, David F. 2005. Practicing Discernment With Youth: A Transformative Youth Ministry Approach. Cleveland (OH): Pilgrim Press, 2005 (209 pages)

Published Oct. 29, 2015 1:31 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2015 3:28 PM