Pensum/læringskrav: mediefag

Artikler tilgjengelige på nett:


Helleve, I., Almås, A. G. & Bjørkelo, B. (2013). Social Networking Sites in Education – Governmental Recommendations and Actual Use (s. 191-207). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (4). Hentet fra

Hodgin, E. (2016). Educating Youth for Online Civic and Political Dialogue: A Conceptual Framework for the Digital Age. (16s) Journal of Digital and Media Literacy. Volume 4, Issue 1-2, Summer 2016. Hentet fra

James, C., Gruner, D.T., Lee, A. Mullen, M. (2016). Getting Into the Fray: Civic Youth, Online Dialogue, and Implications for Digital Literacy Education. (16s) Journal of Digital and Media Literacy. Volume 4, Issue 1-2, Summer 2016. Hentet fra

Levy, B.L., Journell, W., He, Y. & Towns, B. (2015). Students blogging about politics: A study of students' political engagement and a teacher's pedagogy during a semester-long political blog assignment. Computers and Education. Volume 88, 2015. (s. 64–71) Hentet fra


Schofield D. (2014). Young people exploring their media experiences – Mediagraphy as a Reflection Tool in Upper Secondary School. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (02/2014) (s. 112-127) Hentet fra






Bjørkelo, B. & Helleve, I. (2016). Den digitale lærergenerasjonen. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (s. 9-240)

Haugseth, J. F. (2013). Sosiale medier i samfunnet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (s. 11-173)



Publisert 24. mai 2017 13:41 - Sist endret 16. juni 2017 14:58