Pensum i historiedidaktikk


Lund, E. (2016). Historiedidaktikk. En håndbok for studenter og lærere. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 5. utg. (Kap. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 og 10).


Grant, S. G. og Gradwell, J. M. (2010). Teaching history with big ideas. Cases of ambitious teachers. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education. (Kap. 2, 4, 5 og 9).


Artikler og kapitler i kompendiet

Phillips, I. (2008). Kap. 6: ‘Assessing for Learning History’ I Teaching History: Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher. London: Sage Publications. 119-140.


Skram, H. F. (1999). Noen tanker om historiebevissthet, historieforståelse og muligheten for at historieundervisningen kan fungere emansipatorisk. I Historiedidaktikk i Norden. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 59-64.


Monte-Sano, C.; de la Paz, S.; Felton, M. (2014). Kap. 2: ‘Teaching Disiplinary Literacy Through a Cognitive Apprenticeship’. I Reading, Thinking, and Writing about History. New York: Teachers College Press. 15-28.


Monte-Sano, C.; de la Paz, S.; Felton, M. (2014). Kap. 9: ‘Assessing Historical Thinking and Writing Outcomes’. I Reading, Thinking, and Writing about History. New York: Teachers College Press. 164-176.


Nielsen, V. O. (1999). Kap. 6: ’Ungdommens historiebevidsthed og tidsforståelse’. I M. Angvik & V.O. Nielsen (red): Ungdom og historie i Norden. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 103-120.


Nokes, J.D. (2013) Kap. 3: ‘Teaching Historical Literacies’. I Building Students' Historical Literacies. New York: Routledge. 30-48.


Artikler tilgjengelig på nettet

Eikeland, H. (2007). Interkulturell dannelse i norsk og tysk historiefaglig skoleundervisning. I Fortid. 4. 39-44.


Hammond, K. (2014). ‘The knowledge that ‘flavours’ a claim: towards building and assessing historical knowledge on three scales'.I Teaching History. 157. 18-24.


Chapman, A. (2011). ‘Time’s arrows? Using a dartboard scaffold to understand historical action'. Teaching History. 143. 32-38.


Havekes, H.; Aardema, A.; de Vries, J. (2010). Active Historical Thinking: designing learning activities to stimulate domain-specific thinking. I Teaching History 139. The Historical Association. 52-59.


Tolo, A. (2006). Minoritetselever utfordrer historiefaget i skolen. I Fortid. 3. 49-52.


Knight, O. (2008). Create something interesting to show that you have learned something: Building and assessing learner autonomy within the Key Stage 3 history classroom. I Teaching History. 131. The Historical Association. 17-22.


Pickles, E. (2010). How can students use of historical evidence be enhanced? A research study of the role of knowledge in Year 8 to Year 13 students interpretations of historical sources. I Teaching History. 139. The Historical Association. 41-51.


Stradling, R. (2003) Multiperspectivity in history teaching: a guide for teachers. Council of Europe. 9-29.  


Schnakenberg, U. (2010). Developing multiperspectivity through cartoon analysis: strategies for analysing different views of three watersheds in modern German history. I Teaching History. 139. The Historical Association. 32-39.


Williams, K. (2006). ‘Its All About Perspective: Using Simulations in Multicultural Teaching’. I History Compass. 4/5. 933-942.


Moorhouse, D. (2008) ‘How to make historical simulations adaptable, engaging and manageable’. I: Teaching History. 133. 10-16.


Friedman, A. M.; Heafner, T. L. (2007). ‘You think for me, so I dont have to’. I Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education.  7(3). 199-216.


Foster, R. (2008). Speed cameras, dead ends, drivers and diversions: Year 9 use a road map to problematise change and continuity. I Teaching History. 131. The Historical Association.


Mullin, J.; Hill, W. (1997) ‘The Evaluator as Evaluated: The Role of Formative Assessment in History Class’. I The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 71(2), 88-91


Metzger, S.A. (2010). 'Maximizing the Educational Power of History Movies in the Classroom'. I The Social Studies. 101(3). 127-136


Seixas, P. (2015). 'A Model of Historical Thinking', I Educational Philosophy and Theory. 1-13.   


Wineburg, S (1997). ‘Beyond “breadth and depth”: Subject matter knowledge and assessment'. Theory Into Practice. 36(4). 255-261.


Antall sider: 450

Publisert 27. mai 2019 12:38 - Sist endret 27. mai 2019 12:38