Pensum i mediefag fagdidaktikk


Fritze, Y.; Haugsbakk, G. & Nordkvelle, T. (red) (2015): Mediepedagogiske perspektiver. Mediesosialisering, undervisning om og med medier. (234 s). Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk

Artikler tilgjengelige på nett

Buckingham, D. (2015). Defining Digital Literacy. What do young people need to know about digital media? (s.21-35). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (Jubileumsnummer/2015). Hentet fra

Buckingham, D. (2010). Do We Really Need Media Education 2.0? Teaching Media in the Age of Participatory Culture (s. 1-15). I K. Drotner & K. Schroder (2010), Perceptions, Practices and Perspectives (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies). New York: Peter Lang

Erstad, O.(2015). Educating the Digital Generation – Exploring Media Literacy for the 21st Century (s.85-102). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (Jubileumsnummer/2015). Hentet fra

Helleve, I., Almås, A. G. & Bjørkelo, B. (2013). Social Networking Sites in Education – Governmental Recommendations and Actual Use (s. 191-207). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (4). Hentet fra


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Publisert 22. nov. 2016 15:39 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2017 22:58