Syllabus/achievement requirements

University of Oslo

Institute for Educational Research

Master of Philosophy in Comparative and International Education


Updated May 2009

Unfortunately mistakes may occur in the syllabus. Changes will be announced on the webpage.

Introducation to Comparative and International Education:

Crossley, Michael and Keith Watson (2003): Comparative and international research in education: globalization, context and difference, London: Routledge Falmer. Chapter 2-8. (130 p).

Kubow, Patricia K. & Fossum, Paul R: Comparative Education: exploring issues in international context., 2007. Pearson Merill Prentice Hall: New Jersey. p. 31-67 (36p.).

Samoff, Joel (2003): "Institutionalizing international influence." In: Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local, Arnove, Robert F. and Carlos A. Torres (eds.) Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 52-114. (40 p.).

Total: 206 pages

Curriculum theory

Cummings, William K. (2003): The Institutions of Education, Oxford: Symposium Books. Chapter 1-6 and chapter 9. (150 p.). McLean, Martin (1995): Educational traditions compared: content, teaching and learning in industrialised countries, London: David Fulton. Chapter 2. (28 p.).

Total: 178 pages

Specialization A: Education and Development Understanding and analysing education and development

Bray, M. and R.M. Thomas (1995): Levels of comparison in educational studies. Different insights from different literatures and the value of multilevel analyses. Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 65, No 3: pp. 472-90. (18 pp)

Fägerlind, I. and Saha L. (1989): Education and National Development: A comparative perspective. Oxford: Pergamon Press. pp 3-142; pp. 225-284. (198 pp)

Meyer, J. W. et al. (1997): World Society and the Nation-State. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 103, No. 1 (July): pp. 144-81 (37 pp)

Globalisation and Education

Jones, P. W.(2000): "Globalization and Internationalism: Democratic Prospects for World Education." In: Stromquist, N. P. and K. Monkman (eds.): Globalization and Education. Integration and Contestation across Cultures. Boston: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.: pp. 27-42. (15 pp)

Stewart, F. (1996): Globalisation and Education. International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 16, No. 4: pp. 327-333. (6 pp)

International Collaboration in Education

Mundy, K. (1999) "Educational multilateralism at a crossroads." In: King, Kenneth and Buchert, Lene (eds.): Changing International aid to education. Global patterns and national contexts. Paris: UNESCO: pp. 93-118. (25 pp)

UNESCO. (2008): 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report. Overcoming Inequality: why governance matters. Oxford: pp. 24-125, pp. 204-219 (116 pp)

Watson. K. (1993): "Changing emphases in educational aid." In: T. Allsop and C. Brock (eds.), Key issues in educational development. Wallingford: Triangle books: pp. 59-87. (29 pp)

Total number of pages: 444

Specialization B: Policies and Planning

Analysing educational policy and systemic change

Archer, M.(1984): Thinking and theorizing about educational systems. Social Orgins of Educational Systems. p. 1-15 (14 pp)

Archer, M.(1981): "Educational politics. A model for their analysis." In: Broadfoot, P. Brock, C. Tulasiewicz, W. Politics and Educational Change. pp 29-56 (27 pp)

Carnoy. M. (2000): "Globalization and educational reform." In: Nelly P. Stromquist and Karen Monkman (eds): Globalization and education. Integration and contestation across cultures. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: pp. 43-61. (18 pp)

Planning, Managing, Implementing and Evaluating Educational Development

Belfield, C. and Levin, H.M. (2002): Education privatization: causes, consequences and planning implications. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP: pp. 1-57. (56 pp)

Carnoy, M.(1999): Globalization and educational reform: what planners need to know. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning: pp. 13-96. (73 pp)

Haddad, W.D. (1995): Education policy-planning process: an applied framework. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP: pp. 13-94. (81 pp)

Kelly, M.J.(2001): Planning for Education in the Context of HIV/AIDS. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP. (108 pp)

Pelgrum, W.J. and Law, N.(2003): ICT in education around the world: trends, problems and prospects. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP: pp. 19-29, pp. 87-104. (27 pp)

UNESCO. (2008): 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report. Overcoming Inequality: Why Governance Matters. Oxford: pp. 127-201, pp. 219-233 (88 pp)

Curriculum as Policy

Bernstein, B. (1991): "On the classification and framing of educational knowledge." In: M. Young (ed.): Knowledge and Control: pp. 47-69. (22 pp)

Melber, H. (1997): "Centralisation/decentralisation." In: R. Aventrup (ed.): Shaping Africa’s Future through Innovative Curricula. Proceeding of the first sub-regional conference on curriculum development in southern Africa. pp. 63-69 (6 pp)

Moutsios, S. (2004): "The Identity of the European Union and the European Pedagogic Identities." In: E. Buk-Berge et al. (eds.): Education Across Borders. pp. 129-146 (17 pp)

Quality of Education

Watson, K. (2007): Language, education and ethnicity. What rights will prevail in an age of globalisation? International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 27, No. 4: pp. 252-265. (13 pp)

Hopmann, S. and Brinek, G. (2007): "Introduction: PISA According to PISA-Does PISA Keep What it Promises?" In: S. Hopmann et al., PISA zufolge PISA-PISA According to PISA. Halt PISA was es verspricht? Does PISA Keep What it Promises?: pp. 9-21. (12 pp)

Sjøberg, S. (2007): "PISA and “Real Life Challenges”: Mission Impossible?" In: S. Hopmann et al., PISA zufolge PISA-PISA According to PISA. Halt PISA was es verspricht? Does PISA Keep What it Promises?: pp. 203-224. (21 pp)

Total number of pages: 583

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:29 PM - Last modified May 11, 2009 3:13 PM