Syllabus/achievement requirements


1st Part: Learning, Information Technology and Economy

a) Learning and ICT

Castells, M. : The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Volume I: The Rise of the Network Society. Prologue: The net and the self, 1996. Massachusetts/Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc. p. 1-28. (28 pp).

Katz, R.N.(: Competitive Strategies for Higher Education in the Information Age, 1999. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. In Katz, R.N. & Associtates (1999) Dancing with the Devil – Information Technology and the New Competition in Higher Education. Chapter 2. (22 pp).

Tait, A. & R. Mills : The Convergence of distance and conventional education. Some implications for policy, 1999. London: Routledge. in Tait, A. & R. Mills (1999) The Convergence of Distance and Conventional Education, Chapter 11. (8 pp).

Twigg, C. : The Changing Definition of Learning, 1994. in Educom Review Vol. 29, No. 4, 1994 (2 pp).

Wallin, E. : The Kitchen of e-learning – on the architecture for collaborative learning., 2001. Lund: Lund University School of Economics and Management. (15 pp).

Welle-Strand, Anne & Arild Tjeldvoll : ICT, Learning & Value Creation – Strategies Missing? , 2002. Sandvika: Norwegian School of Management BI. Research Report Nr 6 - 2002. (113 pp).

Total 188 pp for part a)

b) Economics

Becker, G.S. : The Economic Way of Looking at Life. , 1992. Stockholm: Nobel Foundation. (27 pp) .

Blaug, M. : The empirical status of human capital theory: a slightly jaundiced survey, 1976. Aldershot: E. Elgar Publishing Ltd. In Blaug, M. (Ed.) (1992) The economic value of education: Studies in the economics of education. Chapter 1. (28 pp).

Levin, H.M. : Mapping the Economics of Education – An Introductory Essay, 1989. In Educational Researcher No 16, 1989, pp 13-16. (4 pp).

Levin, H.M. : The Economics of Educational Choice, 1991. In Economics of Education Review, Vol. 10. No. 2, pp. 137-158. 1991. (21 pp).

McMahon, W.W. : Externalities in education, 1987. Oxford: Pergamon Press . In Psacharopoulos, G. (Ed.) Economics of education – Research and studies. pp 133-137. (4 pp).

Neave, G. : Accountability in education, 1987. Oxford: Pergamon Press. In Psacharopoulos, G. (1987) (Ed.) Economics of education – Research and studies. pp 70-79. (4 pp).

Psacharopoulos, G. : Returns to education: an updated international comparison, 1981. Aldershot: E. Elgar Publishing Ltd. In Blaug, M. (Ed.) (1992) The economic value of education: Studies in the economics of education. Chapter 4. (21 pp).

Romer, P. : Two strategies for Economic development: Using ideas and producing ideas, 1992. In Summers, L.H & S. Shah (1992) Annual conference on development economics (Supplement to the World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Ovbserver), pp 63-91. (28 pp).

Schultz, T.W. : Education and population quality, 1987. Oxford: Pergamon Press. In Psacharopoulos, G. (1987) (Ed.) Economics of education – Research and studies. pp 11-14. (4 pp).

Winkler, D.R. : Fiscal Decentralization and Accountability in Education: Experiences in Four Countries, 1994. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers. in Carnoy, M. & J. Hannaway (Eds.) Decentralisation and School Improvement. Chapter 5. (20 p).

c) Social Capital and Education

James S Coleman : Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. , 1988. American Journal of Sociology 94 (Supplement). Supplement pages: p 95-120. (26 pp).

Field, John: Social Capital, 2002. London: Routledge. Pp. 11 through 51. (41 pp).

Recommended reading:

Putnam, Robert : Bowling alone. The collapse and revival of American community, 2001. NYC: Simon and Schuster..

Field, John : Social Capital, 2002. London: Routledge. Other chapters .

Baron,Stephen, Field, John and Schuller, Tom (eds): Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. , London: Oxford University Press..

Hooghe, Marc and Stolle, Dietlind (eds) : Generating Social Capital. Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspectives., 2003. New Yokr: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dasgupta, Partha and Serageldin, Ismail : Social Capital. A Multifaceted Perspective. , 2000. Washington: World Bank..

Lauglo, Jon : ) Social Capital Trumping Class and Cultural Capital? Engagement with School Among Immigrant Youth., 2003. London: Oxford University Press. In Stephen Baron, John Field and Tom Schuller (eds), Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. Pp 142-167 .

Castells, M. : The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Volume I: The Rise of the Network Society. , 2000. Massachusetts/Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc.

2nd Part: Management of Education and Learning

a) Key concepts

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (Eds.) : Reframing Organizations. Artistry, Choice and Leadership. , 1997. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.. Part One: Making Sense of Organizations, pp 3-34. (31 pp).

Burrell, G. & G. Morgan : Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis – Elements of the Sociology of Corporate Life., 1992. Aldershot: Ashgate. Introduction and Part I: In Search of a Framework, pp viii-37. (42 pp).

MacGregor Burns, J. : The Power of Leadership, 1979. New York: Harper & Row. ” in MacGregor Burns, J. Leadership. pp 9-28. (19 pp).

Reynolds, D. & C. Teddie : Reflections on the Critics and beyond them, 2001. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol. 12, NO 1, 2001 pp 99-115. (16 pp).

Zelvys, R. : Education Management, 1999. Oslo: ELI Publishing. In: Zelvys, R., Managing Education in a Period of Change. Part I., pp 1-19. (19pp).

b) Administration

Bolam, R. : Administrative preparation: Inservice, 1994. London: Pergamon Press. In: Husén, T. and N. Postlewaithe (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of International Education, pp 67-73. (4 pp).

Foster, W. : Administration of Education: Critical Approaches, 1994. London: Pergamon Press. In: Husén, T. and N. Postlewaithe (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of International Education, pp 60-67. (7 pp).

Willower, D. J. : Administration of Education as a Field of Study, 1994. London: Pergamon Press. In: Husén, T. and N. Postlewaithe (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of International Education, pp 53-60. (7 pp).

c) Specific issues

Feuerstein, A. : Selling Our Schools? Principals’ Views on Schoolhouse commercialism and School-Business Interactions, 2001. Educational Administrative Quarterly, Vol. 37, NO 3, 2001, pp 322-371. (49 pp).

Middlehurst, R: Leading Academics. , 1993. Buckingham: Open University Press. Chapters 1 and 2. (40 pp).

Nytell, U. : Govern or to be Governed? English Summary of A Comparative Study of School Leaders Work and Working Conditions. , 1994. Uppsala: Uppsala University. pp 152-159. (7 pp).

Slenning, K. : Future Demands on the School Manager – What the Interviewees Say, 1999. Stockholm: Stockholm University Institute of International Education. In: Slenning K. Future School Management: Do Plans and Needs Match? – A Comparative Study with Examples from Four OECD-Countries. Studies in Comparative and International Education 46. pp 140-173. (33 pp).

Weidman, J.C. & D.C. May : Improving the managerial effectiveness in higher education. Implementing a faculty assessment system. A case study at the University of Pittsburgh, USA., 1994. Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning . (44 pp).

d) Modes of Decentralisation in Education

Required reading:

Lauglo, Jon : Forms of Decentralization and their Implications for Education. , 1995. Comparative Education, Vol 31 (no 1, 1995). (33 pp)..

Recommended reading:

Bray, Mark : Decentralization of Education: Community Financing, 1996. Washington DC: World Bank. .

Watson, Keith, Modgil, Celia and Modgil, Sohan : Power and Responsibility in Education. Volume III in series on Educational Dilemmas: Debate and Diversity. , 1997. London: Cassell. .

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (Eds.) : Reframing Organizations. Artistry, Choice and Leadership., 1997. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. .

3rd Part: Evaluation of Education and Learning

Husén, T. & A. Tuijnman : Monitoring Standards in Education: “Why and How it Came About, 1994. London: Pergamon. In: Tujinman, A. & Postlewaithe, N. T. (Eds.) Monitoring the standards of Education. Chapter 1. (21pp).

Lundgren, U.P: Educational policy-making, decentralization and evaluation , 1990. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. In: Granheim, M., M. Kogan & U. Lundgren. Evaluation as Policymaking. Introducing Evaluation into a National Decentralized Educational System, pp 23-41. .

Middlehurst, M: Quality Enhancement for Accountability and Transformation, 1997. Tertiary Education and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1997, pp 15-24. (9 pp).

Neave, G. : The Evaluative State Reconsidered, 1998. European Journal of Education, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1998, pp 265-283. (18 pp).

Power, M. : The Audit Explosion, 1997. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. In: The Audit Society, pp 1-14. (14 pp).

Scriven, M. : Evaluation: Formative, Summative, and Goal-free, 1994. In: Husén, T. and N. Postlewaithe (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of International Education, p 2097-2100. (pp 8).

Smith, N.L. : Evaluation Models and Approaches, 1994. London: Pergamon Press. In: Husén, T. and N. Postlewaithe (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of International Education, p 2101-2109. (15 pp) .

Thune, T. : Quality Assurance, 2000. Oslo: University of Oslo Institute for Educational Research. in Thune T. Towards a Politics of Quality. Studies in Comparative and International Education (Vol. 6). pp 23-43. (20 pp).

Trow, M. : Trust, markets and accountability in higher education: a comparative perspective, 1996. Higher Education Policy, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 309-324. (15 pp).

Weiss, C. H. : Evaluation. Methods for studying programs and policies, 1998. New Jersey 07458: Prentice Hall . Chapters 1-5, 8, and 12-13. (195 pp).

Westerheijden, D.F. : Where are the quantum jumps in quality assurance?, 1999. Higher Education 38: 233-254. (21 pp).

Published Dec. 7, 2005 5:16 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2006 3:39 PM