Syllabus/achievement requirements

Updated May 2013

Unit 1 Higher Education Economics

Asian Development Bank : Moving Towards Knowledge-Based Economies: Asian Experiences, A Technical note, 2007. Manila: Asian Development Bank. pp. 1-57.

Chen, D and Dahlman, C : The Knowledge Economy, the KAM Methodology and World Bank Operations, 2005. World Bank Institute Working Paper No. 37256. pp. 1-42.

Scott, Peter: The Knowledge Society and the Production of Knowledge., 2004. Industry and Higher Education, Vol. 18 (5). pp. 293-298.

Pillay, Pundy: Higher Education and Economic Development: A literature review, 2010a. Cape Town; Centre for Higher Education Transformation.. pp. 1-63.

Pillay, Pundy: Linking Higher Education and Economic Development: Implications for Africa from three successful systems. , 2010a. Cape Town; Centre for Higher Education Transformation. pp. 1-42.

Fonkeng, George E and Ntembe, Augustine N: Higher education and economic development in Africa: case of Cameron, 2009. Education Research Review 4 (5). pp. 231-246.

Goddard, John and Puukka, Jaana: The engagement of higher education institutions in regional development: an overview of the opportunities and challenges. , 2008. Higher Education and Management Policy, 20 (2). pp. 3-32.

Unit 2 Globalization, internationalization and the knowledge society

Introduction: the changing environment: globalisation and the knowledge economy

Castells, M: The Rise of the Network Society, Volume I of The Information Age: Economy, society and culture, 2000. Blackwell, Oxford . pp. 67-147.

Held, D. & A. McGrew : The Global Transformations Reader. An Introduction to the Globalization Debate, 2000. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp1-47.

Jamil Salmi: Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education, 2002. World Bank. pp. 7-23.

Beerkens, E: Globalisation and Higher Education. Chapter 2 in: Global Opportunities and Institutional Embeddedness; Higher Education Consortia in Europe and Southeast Asia, 2004. Enschede: CHEPS. pp 7-28.

Globalisation and internationalisation in higher education

Gornitzka, Å., Gulbrandsen, M., and Langfeldt, L: . Crossing the Borders. In: Å. Gornitzka and L. Langfeld (eds) Borderless KnowledgeUnderstanding the “New”Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway, 2010. Springer. pp. 171-184.

European Governance, Bologna and Lisbon

Maassen, P, and J. P. Olsen : European Debates on the Knowledge Institution: The Modernization of the University at the European Level, 2006. Arena.

Corbett, Anne : Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurs: towards a new history of higher education in the European Community, 2003. European Journal of Education vol 38 no 3. pp. 315-330.

Olsen, J.P: The many faces of Europeanization, 2002. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40 no 5. pp. 921-952.

Gornitzka, Åse : The Lisbon Process: A Supranational Policy Perspective. Institutionalizing the Open Method of Coordination. In: P. Maassen and JP Olsen (eds). University Dynamics and European Integration, 2007. Springer. pp. 155-178.

Neave, Guy and Peter Maassen : ) The Bologna Process: An Intergovernmental Policy Perspective. In: P. Maassen and JP Olsen (eds). University Dynamics and European Integration, 2007. Springer. pp. 135-153.

Institutional Responses: Strategies for Cooperation and Competition

Henry Etzkowitz, Andrew Webster, Christiane Gebhardt, Branca Regina Cantisano Terra : The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm, 2000. Research Policy vol 29 no 2. pp. 313-330.

Maassen, P., A. Vabø and B. Stensaker : Translation of Globalisation and Regionalisation in the Nordic Cooperation in Higher Education. In: Å. Gornitzka and L. Langfeld (eds) Borderless Knowledge Understanding the “New” Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway, 2008. Springer. pp. 125-140.

The Developing Knowledge Society in a Global Context

Cloete, N. et al: Multilateral and bilateral efforts to contribute to higher education in Africa, 2005. Cape Town: CHET. pp. 1-30.

AnnaLee Saxenian : From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Transnational Communities and Regional Upgrading in India and China, 2005. Studies in Comparative International Development, Summer 2005, Vol. 40, No. 2. pp. 35-61.

Devesh Kapur and John McHale: The Global Migration of Talent: What Does it Mean for Developing Countries?, 2005. CGD Brief . pp. 1-15.

International trade and markets in higher education

Garrett, R. & L. Verbik : Transnational higher education: major markets and emerging trends. In: Mapping borderless higher education: policy, markets and competition, 2004. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education. pp. 319-371.

Maassen, Peter : The Moderisation of European Higher Education: National Policy Dynamics. In: Alberto Amaral et al (eds) Higher Education Dynamics: From Governance to Identity, 2008. Spring. pp. 95-112.

Barrow, C. W. et al : Chapter 1. Globalisation, Trade Liberalisation, and Higher Education in North America, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers . pp. 1-22.

Recommended reading

Beck, U: What is globalization? , 2000. Cambridge, MA: Polity.

Castells, Manuel and Pekko Himanen : The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model, 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Currie, J., R. DeAngelis, et al: Globalizing practices and university responses : European and Anglo-American differences, 2003. Westport, Connectitut; London, praeger.

Corbett, Anne : Universities and the Europe of Knowledge Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in European Union Higher Education 1955-2005, 2005. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Drori, G. S., Meyer, J. W., Ramirez, F. O., & Schofer, E: Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization, 2003. Stanford: Stanford University Press.. Chapter 1 and 2.

European Commission: Mobilising the brainpower of Europe: enabling universities to make their full contribution to the Lisbon Strategy, 2005. European Commission.

Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training, 2005. European Commission.

Guillen, M.F: Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature, 2001. Annual Review of Sociology, No. 27. pp. 235-260.

Habermas, J: The European nation-state: Its achievements and its limits. On the past and future of sovereignty and citizenship. In G. Balakrishnan (Ed.), Mapping the nation, 1996. London: Verso.

Mapping the nation: Globalisation and the post-colonial world: The new political economy of development, 1998. London: Macmillan.

Kwiek, M: The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective. In: Voldemar Tomusk (ed.), The Bologna Process - Voices from the Peripheries, 2004. Kluwer.

Marginson, Simon and Erlenawati Sawir : University Leaders’ Strategies in the Global Environment: A Comparative Study of Universitas Indonesia and the Australian National University, 2006. Higher Education, vol 52 no 2. pp. 343-373.

Maassen, P. & N. Cloete : Global Reform Trends in Higher Education. In: Cloete et al (edit). Transformation in Higher Education. Global Pressures and Local Realities in South Africa, 2002. CHET. pp. 13-32.

Mazzarol, T & G.N. Soutar : The global market for higher education. Sustainable competitive strategies for the new millennium, 2001. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Neave, G: The Bologna Declaration: Some of the Historic Dilemmas Posed by the Reconstruction of the Community in Europe's Systems of Higher Education, 2003. Educational Policy, Vol. 17 No.1. pp. 141-164.

Nowotny, H. Peter Scott, and Michael Gibbons: Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty, 2001. London: Polity Press. pp. 1-21, 66-96.

OECD: Internationalisation and trade in higher education – Opportunities and Challenges, 2004. OECD. Chapters 5-6.

Olson, J.P: The institutional dynamics of the (European) Universities, 2005. ARENA Working Paper.

Rip, Arie : Strategic Research, Post-modern Universities and Research Training, 2004. Higher Education Policy, vol 17 no 2. pp. 153-166.

Schofer, Evan; John W. Meyer : The Worldwide Expansion of Higher Education in the Twentieth Century, 2005. American Sociological Review vol 70 no 6. pp. 898-920.

Slaughter, S. and L.L. Leslie : Academic Science and Technology in the Global Marketplace. In: Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies and the Entrepreneurial University. Baltimore, 1997. Johns Hopkins University Press. .

Stehr, Nico: Knowledge Societies, 1994. London: Sage. Chapter 1.

Stiglitz, J. E: Globalization and its discontents, 2002. New York: Norton & Co. pp. 3-23.

Castells, M.: Materials for an exploratory theory of the, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1.

Beck, U: The cosmopolitan perspective: sociology of the, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1. pp. 79-105.

Urry, J: Mobile sociology, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1. 185-203.

Wallerstein: From sociology to historical social science: prospects and obstacles, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1. pp. 25-35.

Sassen, S: New frontiers facing urban sociology at the Millennium, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1. pp. 143-159.

Featherstone: Archiving Cultures, 2000. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, vol 51 no 1. pp. 161-184.

Vairra, Massimiliano : Globalization and higher education organizational change: a framework for analysis, 2004. Higher Education, vol 48 no. 4. pp. 483-510.

Vught, Frans van : A supranational European university policy? An analysis of the European Union’s higher education and research policies, 2006. working paper.

Vught, van F. A, M.C. van der Wende & D.F. Westerheijden : Globalisation and Internationalisation. Policy Agendas Compared. In: Higher Education in a Globalizing World. International Trends and Mutual Observations. J. Enders & O. Fulton (eds.) , 2002. Dordrecht: Kluwer. pp. 103-121.

Wende, M.C. van der : Internationalisation Policies: About New Trends and Contrasting Paradigms, 2001. Higher Education Policy, Vol. 14, Issue 3. pp. 249-259.

Wende, M.C. van der & R. Middlehurst : Cross-border post-secondary education: Regional case study on Europe. In: Internationalisation and trade in higher education – Opportunities and Challenges, 2004. Paris: OECD/CERI. pp. 87-137.

Published May 28, 2013 2:15 PM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2013 3:13 PM