Compulsory assignments and examination in PED2130 Autumn 2014

1. Compulsory class assignment (Arbeidskrav):

Students will be assigned to small groups who will in a joint effort prepare a group essay (3 - 5 pages) on a self-selected topic relevant for the course. The group will make an oral presentation of their essay (10 – 15 minutes) in one of the four last lectures. See the schedule for time and place.  Each member is expected to contribute actively in the writing process and presentation. Another group will act as respondents – each member of the group will be expected to provide critical, oral feedback on the presentation. The compulsory assignment will be assessed as passed / not passed by the lecturer. More information will be provided in class.


2. Individual assignment (Studiekrav):

Students will be required to write an essay (8 – 10 pages) on one of two topics announced by the lecturer in class on 21.10.2014 and through FRONTER the same day. The essay will be assessed according to the University grading system. More information will be provided in class.



  • Both assignments should be completed during the same semester. Exemptions granted upon application to the administration.
  • The compulsory assignment needs to be completed and passed before the closing date, in order to bw able to submit the individual assignment.
  • The final grade will be based on the assessment of the individual assignment only.







Information meeting. Attendance is compulsory.

Send an e-mail to the lecturer ( or the administration officer if you cannot attend.

NOTE: Students who do not have the opportunity to work in groups can be granted approval to work on assignment 1 individually. Send an e-mail to the lecturer ( within 22.08.2013


See FRONTER for information about Assignment 1:

  • Assignment to groups
  • Dates for presentations and response.

12:00 day before presentation (see the date for your group in Fronter)

Deadline for Assignment 1: Compulsory Class Assignment

Submission through FRONTER.


Information in class about Assignment 2: Individual Essay

See FRONTER/ PED2130 homepage.



Deadline for Assignment 2: Individual Essay

Submission through FRONTER.


Submission of Assignment 2: Individual Essay (Studiekrav)

The essay must be uploaded in FRONTER within 13:00 on 9 December 2014.

All students are also required to fill out and upload in FRONTER an obligatory declaration for written assignments together with the final essay. Uploading the declaration will be your signature.



  • Use your candidate number ONLY (i.e. not your name). You will find your candidate number in your StudentWeb one week before the submission date.
  • Specify your candidate number in the name of the uploaded document. Use the following template to save your file:

PED2130_candidateX_topicX.doc e.g. PED2130_candidate21_topic2.doc

  • The format of the uploaded document must be .doc , .docx or .odt

A front page template for exam papers can be found here.

Published May 15, 2014 1:18 PM - Last modified May 15, 2014 1:24 PM