
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
09.09.2009Knut Tveit, University of Oslo  Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   Course information, The Comprehensive school   
16.09.2009Knut Tveit, University of Oslo   Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   The Comprehensive school    
22.09.2009Sirkka Ahonen, University of Helsinki  Sem.rom 233, Helga Engs hus   Social inclusion in the comprehensive school    
23.09.2009Sirkka Ahonen, University of Helsinki   Sem.rom 233, Helga Engs hus   Public good or private asset? The comprehensive school reconsidered    
07.10.2009Jon Lauglo, University of Oslo   Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   Public and private schools    
14.10.2009Karl Øyvind Jordell, University of Oslo   Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   Differentiation    
22.10.2009Ulf Lundgren, University of Uppsala  Sem.rom U36, Helga Engs hus   Governing   
23.10.2009Ulf Lundgren, University of Uppsala   Sem.rom 233, Helga Engs hus   The school and the welfare state, The Nordic school model   
28.10.2009Karl Øyvind Jordell, University of Oslo   Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   Evaluation and assessment    
04.11.2009Knut Tveit, University of Oslo   Sem.rom U35, Helga Engs hus   Conclusions, Course summary   
Published June 11, 2009 3:19 PM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2009 2:30 PM