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University of Oslo

Institute for Educational Research



Updated November 2008

Please note that all the articles from Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE) are available online. You can access the articles through the Archives page of CICE

Click on the title of each relevant issue and a list of articles appears underneath.

As the web adresses seem to be somewhat unstable, the links listed in the list below may not be correct.If you have trouble using the links, we suggest that you try at net search for Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE)

Abendur, Adriana: Tilting the north-south axis: The legitimization of southern development knowledge and its implications for comparative education research. Current issues in comparative education [online] 4(2), 2002, available at,

Apple, Michael: Rhetorical reforms: Markets, standards and inequality. Current issues in comparative education. [online] 1(2), 1999, available at,

Bray, Mark: Comparative education in east asia: Growth, development and contributions to the global field. Current issues in comparative education [online] 4(2), 2002, available at,

Brock-Utne, Birgit: The Language Question in Africa in the light of Globalisation, Social Justice and Democracy, 2003. International Journal of Peace Studies. Vol. 8. No.2. s. 67-88.

Brock-Utne, Birgit and Holmarsdottir Halla: Language policies and practices in tanzania and south africa: problems and challenges. , 2003. International journal of educational development. vol 24: 67-83.

Cheng, Haojing and DeLany, Brian: Quality education and social stratification: The paradox of private schooling in china. Current issues in comparative education. [online] 1(2), 1999, available at,

Dale Roger: Specifying globalization effects on national policy: a focus on the mechanisms, 1999. Journal of Education Policy. Nr.1, s.1-17.

Epstein, Erwin: Comparative and international Education.: Overview and historical Development, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 2, s. 918-922.

Fletcher, T V and D.L Sabers: Interaction effects in cross national studies of achievement. Comparative education review 39,4, 1995. p.455-467.

Hans Nicholas: Comparative education, 1958. Routledge & Kegan Paul. Kap.1 s.1-16.

Jansen, Jonathan B: Globalization, curriculum and the third world state: in dialogue with Michael Apple. Current issues in comparative education [online] 1(2), 1999, available at,

Jon, Torfi Jonasson: The foes of icelandic vocational education at the upper secondary level. In: A, Tjeldvoll (ed) Education and the scandinavian welfare state in the year 2000. Equality, policy and reform, 1997. p.267-304.

Kelly, Gail and Altbach, Philip: Comparative education: challenges and responses. Comparative education review (30)1, 1986. p.89-107.

McLean Martin: Educational Traditions Compared, 1995. David Fulton Publishers. Kap. 2, s.20-47.

Mebrahtu, T.: Development Education, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 3, s. 1494-1501.

Mitter, Wolfgang: A decade of transformation: educational policies in central and eastern europe. international reveiw of education 49(1-2), 2003. p 75-96.

Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Defining comparative education: conceptions, 1998. Comp.Ed.Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. I Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, s.35-40.

Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Use and abuse of comparative education, 1998. Comp.Ed.Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. I Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, s.57-67.

Paulston Rolland: Comparative and international education: Paradigms and theories, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol.2, p. 923-932.

Philips David Oxford: On comparing, 1999. Symposium Books. I Alexander Robin, Broadfoot Patricia, Philips David (Ed.): Learning from comparing: new directions in comparative educational research. Vol.1, s.15-20.

Rao, Nirmala, Cheng,Kai-Ming and Narain Kirti: Primary schooling in china and India: understanding how socio-contextual factors moderate the role of the state, 2003. international review of education 49(1). p 153-176.

Robinson Peter: The tyranny of league tables: international comparisons of educational attainment and economic performance, 1999. Oxford: Symposium Books. I Alexander Robin, Broadfoot Patricia, Philips David (Ed.): Learning from comparing: new directions in comparative educational research, Vol. 1, s.217-235.

Sadler, Michael: How Far Can We Learn Anything of Practical Value From the Study of Foreign Systems of Education, 1979. Dejall & Meyorre International Publishers. I J. H. Higginson (Ed.) Selections from Michael Sadler, s.48-51.

Scoppio, Grazia: Common trends of standardisation, accountability,devolution and choice in the educational policies of england, UK, California, USA and Ontario, Canada, 2000. Current issues in comparative education [online] 2(2) available at.

Tveit, Knut: The development of popular literacy in the nordic countries. A comparative historical study., 1991. scandinavian journal of education research 35(4) p241-252.

Valverde, Gilbert A: Curriculum convergence in Chile: The global and local context of reforms in curriculum policy. , 2004. Comparative and education review 48(2) p.174-201.

Three chapters freely chosen from:

Arnove Robert & Torres Carlos (Ed.): Comparative education. The dialectic of the global and the local, 1999. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publ.

and 400 pages related to the project.

Antall studenter: 30

Published Oct. 22, 2007 7:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2008 7:32 PM