Exam Information/Work requirements Spring 2013

Work requirement (Arbeidskrav)

Article summary: Students are required to produce a two-page summary of a designated article/book chapter(s) on the curriculum. The summary will be uploaded in fronter.

Deadline for handing in: 22th of february 2013, 14:00 p.m.

The course teachers have given further information about the work requirement, in lectures and in Fronter, for those who attend the lectures:

Task description:

  1. Everybody reads the literature for the lesson.
  2. Each member of a group has the responsibility to make a 2 page summary of a selected article.
  3. We will then make ad-hoc groups in the beginning of the lesson and each that has made a summary will present their summary to their ad-hoc group.    Note: Remember to bring copies of the summary to each member of the ad-hoc group (approx. 6 people).
  4. The one making the summary does a 10 min. presentation. Then the ad-hoc group discusses the article and the summary for 20 min.

After the lesson each of those that has presented a summary of an article has one week to submit a final version. They will either pass or fail.

For more info read slides 9-13 in the powerpoint named 'ped2750-intro.pptx' in the folder called 'Lectures', in Fronter.


Study requirement (Studiekrav)

Individual essay: Write a 5 page individual essay on a given task (1.5 line spacing, font size 12, front page and bibliography not included in the 5 pages). 

The students will be offered to hand in a one-page plan for their essay, and be given feedback on this. The deadline for handing in your essayplan will be 15th of march.

Final deadline/submission date for the essay: 19th of april 2013, 14:00 p.m.


Submission of the study requirement (studiekravet)

The essay is to be uploaded in fronter within the deadline/submission date: 19th of april 2013, 14.00 p.m.

Do not use your name on the paper, use your candidate number. You will find the candidate number in your StudentWeb one week before the submission date.

The students also have to hand in an obligatory declaration for written assignments and papers, together with the paper. Uploading the declaration will be your signature.

A front page template for exam papers is found here.







Published Nov. 30, 2012 2:11 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2013 12:36 PM