
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
13.01.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Introduction, goal image and learning needs   Attendance at first lecture is obligatory. Students who fail to meet will loose their place at the course. 
20.01.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Introduction to learning theory  Relevant literature: Bateson (1972) Lave & Wenger (1991) 
27.01.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building  Introduction to learning theory  Relevant literature: Bateson (1972) Lave & Wenger (1991) 
03.02.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Learning and dialogue   Relevant literature: Arnseth & Ludvigsen (2005) 
10.02.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Informal learning with technology  Relevant literature: Sandford et al (2006) Sefton-Green, J. (2004) 
17.02.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Group presentations   
24.02.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Group presentations   
03.03.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   E-learning and knowledge   Relevant literature: Qvortrup (2006) 
10.03.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Teaching in higher education  Relevant literature: Laurillard (2002) 
17.03.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Teaching and learning with ICT   Summing up 
24.03.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth  Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building   Group presentations   
31.03.2009Magnus Bliksrud, Kenneth Silseth   Seminar room 3, The Georg Sverdrup building  Group presentations   
Published Dec. 3, 2008 10:21 AM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2008 10:36 AM