
Litteratur for delemne Læreplan og utdanningsreformer

Oppdatert mai 2011

tekster merket med * finnes i elektronisk versjon på nettet.

*Au, Wayne(2011) 'Teaching under the new Taylorism: high-stakes testing and the standardization of the 21st century curriculum', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43: 1, 25 — 45, (20.s.). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

*Carlgren, Ingrid and Klette, K (2008) Reconstructions of Nordic teachers: Reform policies and teachers' work during the 1990s. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2008, vol.52, p. 117-133. (16 s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Dale, E.L 2010 Kapittel 1 Hvorfor kunnskapsløftet? I E.L Dale Kunnskapsløftet. På vei mot felles kvalitetsansvar? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 21-57, (36).

Engelsen, B.U. 2009. Et forskningsblikk på skoleierne i implementeringen av kunnskapsløftet og LK 06. I E. L Dale (red.) Læreplan: Et forskningsperspektiv. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s.62-109. (47s)

*Ensor, P. (2004) Contesting Discourses in Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in South Africa, Higher Education, 48, 339-359. (20 s.). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Gundem, B.B. Perspektiver på læreplan Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 164 sider

*Grek, Sotiria, Lawn, Martin, Lingard, Bob, Ozga, Jenny, Rinne, Risto , Segerholm, Christina and Simola, Hannu(2009) 'National policy brokering and the construction of the European Education Space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland', Comparative Education, 45: 1, 5 — 21, (16 s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

*Hopmann, Stefan Thomas(2008) 'No child, no school, no state left behind: schooling in the age of accountability', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40: 4, 417 — 456, (39 s.). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Karseth, B & Sivesind K (2009) Læreplanstudier – perspektiver og posisjoner I E. L Dale (red.) Læreplan: Et forskningsperspektiv. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 23-52. (29 s)

*Levin, Ben (2008) Curriculum policy and the politics of what should be learned in schools. In F. Michael Connelly, red., The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction s. Toronto: Sage, p. 7-24 (17 s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

*McEneaney , Elisabeth and Meyer, John W (2000) The Content of the Curriculum An Institutionalist Perspective. In Handbook of the Sociology of Education, edited by Maureen T. Hallinan. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 189-211.(22). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Wheelahan, L (2010) The crises of curriculum. I Leesa Wheelahan Why Knowledge Matters in Curriculum. London: Routledge, p. 106-126. (20s)

*Nespor, J (2002) Neworks and contexts of reform Journal of educational change 3: 365–382, (17s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

*Popkewitz, Thomas S.(2009) 'Curriculum study, curriculum history, and curriculum theory: the reason of reason', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41: 3, 301 — 319 (18s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

*Telhaug, Alfred Oftedal , Mediås, Odd Asbjørn and Aasen, Petter(2006) 'The Nordic Model in Education: Education as part of the political system in the last 50 years', Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50: 3, 245 — 283, (38 s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Yates, L & Grumet, M (2011) Curriculum in Today’s World: Configuring Knowledge, Identites, Work and Politics . In Lynn Yates and Madeleine Grumet (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2011, p. 3-14. (11 s.)

Dale, E. L., Engelsen, B.U. & Karseth, B (2011) Kunnskapsløftets intensjoner, forutsetninger og operasjonaliseringer: En analyse av en læreplanreform, UiO: Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutts. 1-66 (66 s.).

+ ca 75 sider fra evalueringen av Kunnskapsløftet (alle tekster vil her være tilgjenglige på Utdanningsdirektoratets hjemmeside)

Til sammen 696

Litteratur for delemne Approaches to studies for Teaching and Learning

Alexander, Robin (2009). Culture, Dialogue and Learning: Notes on an emerging Pedagogy. I Mercer, N. & S. Hodgkinson Exploring Talk in School. London: Sage. (s. 91-113) 22 s

Alexander, Robin (red) (2010). Children, their World, their Education. Final report andrecommendations of Cambridge Primary Review. London: Routledge. Kapittel 15 (s. 279-310) Re-thinking pedagogy (31 s) Kapittel 16 (s. 311-327) Assessment, learning and accountability (16 s)

Dale, Erling Lars (2008): Fellesskolen – reproduksjon av sosial ulikhet (Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forslag. Kapittel 12, s. 249-276 (27 s)

Mercer, Neil & Lynn Dawes. (2009). The Value of Exploratory Talk. I Mercer, N. & S. Hodgkinson Exploring Talk in School. London: Sage. (s. 55-71) (16 s)

Davis, H. A. (2003). Conceptualizing the role and influence of student-teacher relationshipson children’s social and cognitive development. Educational Psychologist, 38, 4, 207-234 (23). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Pomeroy, E. (1999). The teacher-student relationship in secondary school: insight from excluded students. British Journal of sociology of education, 20, 465-482 (17). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Reeve, J. (2006). Teachers as facilitators: What autonomy-supportive teachers do and why their students benefit. The Elementary School Journal, 106, 225- 236 (11).

Reeve, J. (2009). Why teachers adopt a controlling motivationg style toward students and how they can become more autonomy supportive. Educational Psychologist, 44, 159-175 (26). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Reeve, J., Ryan, R., Deci, E.L. & Jang, H. (2008). Understanding and promoting autonomous self-regulation: A self-determination theory perspective. In D.H. Schunk & B. J. Zimmerman (Eds.), Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. New York: LEA. (30 sider)

Turner, J. C. & Meyer, D.K. (2000). Studying and understanding the instructional contexts of classrooms: Using our past to forge our future. Educational Psychologist, 35, 69-85 (16). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Til sammen 235

Litteratur for delemne Utdanningshistorie og samfunnskonteksten

Dale, Erling Lars (2008): Fellesskolen – reproduksjon av sosial ulikhet (Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forslag. Kapittel 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14 og 15.Tilsammen 130 sider

Englund, Tomas (2010): The Potential of Education for Creating Mutual Trust: Schools as sites for deliberation. I Educational Philosophy and Theory. 13 sider.Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Fredriksson, A (2009) On the Consequences of the Marketisation of Public Education in Sweden: for-profit charter schools and the emergence of the ‘market-oriented teacher’ i European Educational Research JournalVolume 8 Number 2 2009. 11 sider. Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Olssen, Mark, Codd, John and O`Neill Anne-Marie (2006): Education Policy, Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy, kapittel 5, 7, 11 og 12. Tilsammen 94 sider

Thuen, Harald (2010): Skolen – et liberalistisk prosjekt? 1860- 2010. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, nr. 4 (s. 273- 287). 15 sider. Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Øzerk, Kamil (2010)Kap 2: Minoritetsspråklig opplæring i et komplekst og mangfoldig kunnskapssamfunn i Dale, Erling Lars: Kunnskapsløftet Pa vei mot felles kvalitetsansvar? Universtietetsforlaget: Oslo s 57-85 (29 sider)

Stotingsmelding 22 (2010-2011) Motivasjon- Mesting – Muligheter Ungdomstrinnet (119 s). Fulltekst tilgjengelig her

Til sammen 411

Totalt for emne PED4470 : 1342

Publisert 1. juni 2011 16:38 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2011 16:17