Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
03.06.2010NB Some courses have obligatory components. Please refer to individual course descriptions      NB This is a working copy of the combined schedule for SNE4110, SNE4120, SNE3120 and SNE4130 - Autumn Semester 2010. Some lectures etc. are still to be confirmed. 
16.08.2010Orientation Week for new students 16 - 20 August. International Education Office (SIS)  Monday: Ground floor of main Administration Building - Blindern Campus  Information Packet (refer to instructions in Pre-Arrival Guide 2010)  International Students! Please collect your information packet from "Knutepunktet" - available between 10:00-18:00 Also come and tell us at the Department that you have arrived! We are on the 4th floor (Norwegian) of Helga Eng's Building. 
17.08.2010  Tuesday Universitetsplassen - Old Campus Square downtown  Welcome Ceremony and meet-up with "Buddy Group"  See separate programme from SIS 
18.08.2010  Wednesday - see times and places in information packet  Group Orientation Meetings  See separate programme from SIS  
19.08.2010Faculty administrative staff  Thursday 08:30 - 09:30 HE 233  "Welcome breakfast"  Exchange students at the Faculty of Education. Those invited will receive an invitation! 
19.08.2010Department Staff  Thursday 10:00-11:00 HE U35  Combined welcome to DSNE - programme and exchange students  NB Meeting begins at 10:00

Introductory meeting for M. Phil. SNE Programme and autumn semester international exchange students (SNE4110, SNE4120, SNE3120 & SNE4130) 

19.08.2010Administrative staff - Faculty of Education and ISP  Thursday 11:00-12:00 HE 236  Semester registration   
21.08.2010  Saturday Oslo - main police station    Students only registration day at the police for non-EU students. See info packet for details 
23.08.2010Academic staff: Steinar Theie  Monday 14:15-16:00 HE 233  Introduction to M. Phil. SNE programme and courses  Academic introduction 
24.08.2010Steinar Theie  Tuesday 10:15-14:00 GS Group Room 4  SNE4110  Education For All

GS = Georg Sverdrup's building which is main library on Blindern campus 

25.08.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4110   
27.08.2010Faculty of Education administrative staff  Friday. Meet at 12:00 sharp by the birch tree outside Helga Eng's building (in foyer if wet!)    Social day for all new international students at the Faculty of Education (all day event) SNE/CIE/HE Detailed information will be posted on "Messages" NB You will need camera and good shoes! Please sign up on list before event - see FRONTER 
30.08.2010Steinar Theie  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233  SNE4110   
01.09.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4110  NB Deadline for delivery of Preparatory Assignmnet SNE4110. Send by e-mail to steinar.theie@isp.uio.no 
07.09.2010Librarian (Tone Guettler) Anita Pedersen Lørdahl  Tuesday 09:15-11:00 HE 236  Library Orientation Course  For M. Phil. SNE Programme students - due to room capacity some few places only available for exchange students. 
08.09.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4110   
14.09.2010Steinar Theie  Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 231  SNE4110  Assignment for oral examination SNE4110 handed out. 
20.09.2010Steinar Theie  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233  SNE4110   
22.09.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4110   
27.09.2010Steinar Theie    SNE4110  Deadline for delivery of SNE4110 Assignment (written summary). Send by e-mail to steinar.theie@isp.uio.no before 11:00 today. See FRONTER for details.  
29.09.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-16:00 HE 233 NB extended time  SNE4110  Oral examination component of SNE4110 
04.10.2010Jana Kruse  Monday 13:15-17:00 HE233  SNE4120/SNE3120  Inclusive Education 
05.10.2010  Tuesday 10:15-12:00 HE 234  M. Phil. SNE and international exchange students  Meeting with Dr Laetitia Greyling, visiting lecturer from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), Republic of South Africa. Details will follow on FRONTER later. 
06.10.2010Jana Kruse  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4120/SNE3120   
11.10.2010Jana Kruse  Monday 13:15-17:00 HE U31  SNE4120/SNE3120    
13.10.2010Jana Kruse  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4120/SNE3120    
21.10.2010Jana Kruse  Thursday 13:15-17:00 HE 232  SNE4120/SNE3120   NB Obligatory group work for SNE3120/SNE4120 on 21 October 
22.10.2010Jana Kruse  Friday 08:15-12:00 HE 234  SNE4120/SNE3120    
25.10.2010Einar Sletmo  Monday 13:00-13:15 HE 233  Study visit (preparation)  Short orientation about study visits 26 & 28 October. Opportunity for Einar Sletmo to meet you beforehand! 
25.10.2010Jana Kruse  Monday 13:15-17:00 HE 233  SNE4120/SNE3120   Lecture cancelled today, but please meet in HE 233 at 13:00 as scheduled. See FRONTER for details. 
26.10.2010Einar Sletmo  Eilert Sundt kindergarden, Blindern campus, Tuesday 10:00-12:30  Study visit  First group of ten students 26 October. Meet at 09:40 (sharp!) in foyer of Helga Eng's building. 
27.10.2010Jana Kruse  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233  SNE4120/SNE3120   Individual Assignments SNE4120/SNE3120 handed out.  
28.10.2010Einar Sletmo   Eilert Sundt kindergarden, Blindern campus, Thursday 10:00-12:30   Study visit  Second group of ten students 28 October. Meet at 09:40 (sharp!) in foyer of Helga Eng's building.  
01.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233   SNE4130  Social and Cultural Perspectives on Special Needs Education 
03.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233   SNE4130   
08.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233   SNE4130   
09.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE U35   SNE4130   
15.11.2010    SNE4120/SNE3120  Deadline for delivery of Individual Assignments SNE4120/SNE3120 - 12:30-14:00 HE 456.  
15.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233   SNE4130   
17.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233   SNE4130   
22.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Monday 12:15-17:00 HE 233 NB Five-hour session  SNE4130  Individual Assignment SNE4130 handed out. 
24.11.2010Berit H Johnsen  Wednesday 10:15-13:00 HE 233 NB Three-hour session   SNE4130   
24.11.2010Einar Sletmo  Wednesday 13:00-13:30 HE 233   Study visit  Short orientation about study visit to Sollerudstranda School on 2 December.  
29.11.2010Steinar Theie  Monday 12:15-16:00 HE 233   SNE4230  Research Methodology

Introductory session 

30.11.2010Steinar Theie  Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE U36   SNE4230  Survey 
01.12.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233   Survey  Survey 
02.12.2010Einar Sletmo  Thursday 09:00-14:00 Sollerudstranda School    Planned study visit to Sollerudstranda School - see details on FRONTER. 
06.12.2010  Deliver to ISP reception desk before 14:00  SNE4130  Deadline for delivery of Individual Assignment SNE4130.

See message on FRONTER for details. 

08.12.2010Steinar Theie  Wednesday 10:15-14:00 HE 233   SNE4230  Survey 
Published May 5, 2010 6:22 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2010 11:31 AM