Syllabus/achievement requirements

SNE4200 - Education for Learners with Special Needs



Frederickson, N. & Cline, T. (2009/2015). Special Educational Needs Inclusion and Diversity (Ch. 10 – 17). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Open University Press.303 p.

Kirk, Samuel A. et. al. (2011/2015). Educating Exceptional Children. Thirteenth edition. USA, Houghton Mifflin Company. Chapters 4-8, 10 & 12.Totally 252 pages.

Woolfolk, A, Hughes, M & Walkup, V (2008/2013): Psychology in Education. Pearson. Totally 708 pages


These texts are supplementary reading

Books and articles will be available on Canvas:

Capuzzi, David and Gross, Douglas R. (2004). Youth at Risk. USA. American Counseling Association.

Chapter 1- 5. 76 p.

Johnsen B.H. (2005) Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning In Learning Strategies  B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Support and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 3 – 39) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 36 p.

Lyster, Solveig-Alma H. (2001). Language and Reading – Development and Disorders. Article in Johnsen, Berit H. & Skjørten, Miriam D. (eds). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction. Oslo, Unipub. 13 p.

Rye, Henning. (2005). The Foundation of an Optimal Psychosocial Development. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Support and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 215 – 228) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 13 p.

Articles online

Curtin, M. & Clarke, G. (2005). Listening to young people with physical disabilities’ experiences of education. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 42, 3, 195-214. 16p.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (1998). Adjusted school environment for students with severe motor disabilities. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2, 3, 237-253. 16p

Mattson, E. (1994). Disabled students’ experience of dependence and autonomy in integrated/segregated environments. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 9,2,119-124. 5 p.

Nowicki, E. (2007). Children’s beliefs about learning and physical difficulties. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 54, 4, 417-427. 10 p.

Tjernberg, C., & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2014) Inclusion in practice: a matter of school culture. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29, 2, 247-256.

DVD material for group work:

Department of Special Needs Education and InterMedia, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo (2008).Teachers for All. Part II Inclusive Education. [DVD material]

Additional reading:

Rye, Henning. (2005). The Foundation of an Optimal Psychosocial Development. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Support and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 215 – 228) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 13 p.

Published Dec. 27, 2018 12:10 PM - Last modified Dec. 27, 2018 12:10 PM