Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.01.2009This is a working schedule - some lectures are still to be confirmed    Welcome back to Norway!  Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme and individual courses.  
12.01.2009Steinar Theie / Denese Brittain  Monday 12:15-14:00 GS Teaching Room 1    Welcome back to Norway!

Group meeting NB note change of time and place 

19.01.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormnæs  Monday 09:15-16:00 GS Group Room 1  SNE4390/SNE4230  Thesis Seminar 2

Both MG groups to attend

This seminar will now be re-scheduled due to the late arrival of MG 07/09 students. 

29.01.2009  Akersgata 59, Auditorium R5 09:00-12:00  EFA-forum  You will be invited to attend the following: Launch of EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 in Norway

See Fronter for details 

23.02.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold  Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310  Counselling, Innovation, Support Systems and Collaboration


24.02.2009ST/SW/DB  Tuesday 11:15-13:00 HE487  SNE4390  Group meeting for MG 07/09 - guidelines for preparation of thesis etc.  
27.02.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormnæs  Friday 09:15-16:00 HE 364  SNE4230/SNE4390  Thesis Seminar 2

Time and date now confirmed 

02.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold   Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1  SNE4310   
09.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold   Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310   
16.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold   Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310   
23.02.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold   Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310   
30.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold   Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4130  Coursework requirement SNE4310 Counselling - participation in practical exercises during this 6 week period. 
09.04.2009      Maundy Thursday - public holiday 
10.04.2009      Good Friday - public holiday 
13.04.2009      Easter Monday - public holiday 
16.04.2009    SNE4390  Deadline for delivery of thesis SNE4390 for printing

Student guaranteed completion by Graduation Ceremony date if delivered for printing by 16 April 2009. 

20.04.2009Siri Wormnæs  Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310  Support Systems and Collaboration 
22.04.2009Siri Wormnæs  Wednesday 13:15-17:00 HE 232  SNE4310   
27.04.2009Kejll Skogen  Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310  Innovation 
27.04.2009Course leadership  Monday 13:15-14:00 GS Group Room 1   SNE4310  Individual written assignment SNE4310 handed out 
01.05.2009      1 May - public holiday 
04.05.2009Kjell Skogen  Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1  SNE4310   
06.05.2009  Wednesday 10:15-11:00 HE 456  SNE4230  Deadline for delivery of all assignments in portfolio for SNE4230

For details concerning delivery of portfolio see "Fronter". 

11.05.2009  Monday 13:15-14:00 HE 456  SNE4310  Individual written assignment SNE4310 handed in.

NB two printed copies, one named, one un-named + declaration. Examination number available via StudentWeb. 

21.05.2009      Ascension Day - public holiday 
27.05.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormnæs/Denese Brittain  Wednesday 13:15-15:00 HE232  Master's Programme  Final evaluation of MG 07/09. 
01.06.2009      Whit Monday - public holiday

End of Programme for MG 07/09 

04.06.2009  Thursday: Admin. Building - Blindern 18:00    Graduation Dinner for Faculty of Education International Students -

Thursday 4 June, 2009 

16.06.2009  Faculty of Education - HE    Faculty of Education Graduation Ceremony Tuesday 16 June, 2009. 
Published Nov. 27, 2008 11:34 AM - Last modified May 25, 2009 2:56 PM