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Species differences in sensitivity to pollution

We have studied how pollution in the inner Oslofjord affect some fish species, particularly Atlantic cod, but we do not really know whether this is the most sensitive species or whether there are more sensitive fish species. The project will include collecting and sampling different fish species in the inner Oslofjord and a reference location in Skagerrak, then analysing them for responses in different mechanisms of toxicity, i.e. biotransformation, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption and genotoxicity. In addition to analysing samples from collected fish, some tissues will be cultured and exposed in vitro to selected contaminants, then analysed for oxidative stress and general cytotoxicity.


Contact Ketil Hylland (ketilhy@ibv.uio.no) if you are interested.

Publisert 25. mai 2020 13:30 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2023 20:50


Omfang (studiepoeng)