Pågående og avsluttede masteroppgaver

Tabellen viser ledige masteroppgaver for informatikk: design, bruk, interaksjon

Oversikt over forskningsgruppene og tilhørende masteroppgaver.

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
Agile software development in enterprise software ecosystems 1. sep. 2021
An Exploratory Study of Digital Public Goods (DPG) Repositories 8. sep. 2022
Architectures; 5-10 Master Thesis Topics 23. aug. 2013
Building capacity for app development in platform ecosystems 29. sep. 2020
Building sustainable feedback loops between end users and global software designers 20. sep. 2022
Configuration of Android app for Community Health Workers 15. aug. 2016
Covid-19 5. okt. 2020
Customer data protection and privacy regulation in start-up companies 15. juli 2016
DHIS 2 Academy - online 3. mai 2016
DHIS2 as Platform and Ecosystem (1-2 students) 22. aug. 2017
DHIS2 as a Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) 16. sep. 2019
Dashboards and Platform-Based Decision Making in COVID-19 24. sep. 2021
Design and development of Health Information Systems to support Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle Income Countries 20. mai 2016
Design and development of surveillance systems for antimicrobial resistance 17. sep. 2019
Design and innovation in enterprise software ecosystems 1. sep. 2021
Digital Health Literacy 19. mai 2022
Digital Labour Platforms 2. okt. 2020
Digital Platforms for Disease Surveillance and Control: Best Practice Case Studies from Asia (DMgtAsia) 8. sep. 2021
Digital Social Protection in COVID-19 13. okt. 2021
Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Dashboard for Displaying Information About Diseases and Possible Outbreaks 7. okt. 2016
Exploring and promoting methods and approaches to participatory and/or user-oriented design and innovation for DHIS2 implementation 5. okt. 2020
Folkeregisteret som Informasjonsinfrastruktur 17. sep. 2015
From digital design and IT specialists to sociotechnical design and digitalization partners 20. sep. 2022
Graph of previous values on data input 16. aug. 2018
HISP/DHIS2 projects in India 5. okt. 2020