Pågående og avsluttede masteroppgaver – Side 10

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
Understanding network performance bottlenecks 24. sep. 2013
Unfolding your DNA 24. mai 2013
Unique IDs for use at clinics and for integration of systems in South Africa 28. mars 2017
Use of many-core architecture for heart simulations 25. aug. 2015
Using ML to guess when a packet will be lost 18. okt. 2021
Using Memo Functions in Planning-based Adaptation Middleware 14. mars 2011
Using machine learning to make sense of our genome 24. mai 2013
Various MSc thesis topics in Middleware for self-adaptive software systems 14. mars 2011
Verification Tool for Concurrent Software 22. sep. 2014
  • Christian Bergersen
Video streaming: Does TCP live streaming hold any advantage over UDP live streaming? 14. sep. 2020
Video streaming: Wireless tiled streaming in dense places 14. sep. 2020
Videos for training and health promotion 16. aug. 2018
Visualisation of chimeric RNA; sequences originating from two individual genes 2. okt. 2014
What is an information systems designer? 1. sep. 2021
Wind-driven Clouds 12. sep. 2016
eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Actionable Recourse in Machine Learning Classification Models 25. feb. 2020
iHRIS 15. sep. 2011