Ledige masteroppgaver

Tabellen viser ledige masteroppgaver for informatikk: robotikk og intelligente systemer.

Oversikt over forskningsgruppene og tilhørende masteroppgaver.

Sidetittel Publisert Veileder(e)
Visualiseringsverktøy for ganganalyse 22. nov. 2023
Can machine learning help reveal the competitive advantage of elite beach volleyball players? 11. nov. 2023
Reducing Vulnerability Regarding Care-Giving Robots (VIROS) 13. okt. 2023
Predictive and Intuitive Robot Assistant (PIRC) 13. okt. 2023
Eurobot 10. okt. 2023
Autonome systemer (FFI) (external) 10. okt. 2023
Rhythmic controllers for robot locomotion 10. okt. 2023
Evolving robot morphology and control 10. okt. 2023
Musical robot swarm 10. okt. 2023
Evolving virtual creatures in Lenia 10. okt. 2023
Study Abroad? – Master Project in Brazil, Japan or US 9. okt. 2023
Reinforcement Learning via Motion Planning and Control 9. okt. 2023
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for AUVs 6. okt. 2023
Testbench System for Image Sensor Characterization 2. okt. 2023
Evolving Soft Robots 6. sep. 2023
FPGA in Robotics 28. aug. 2023
Infrasound design to enhance music and dance experience 14. aug. 2023
Applied Machine Learning with Sintef 28. sep. 2022
Exploring people's micromotion patterns – RITMO 19. sep. 2022
Bevegelse, musikk og mekatronikk 15. sep. 2022
Visualiseringsverktøy for ortopedisk diagnose – OUS/Metronor 29. aug. 2022
Neuroevolution 5. aug. 2022
External master projects by companies 5. aug. 2022
Univ of Agder master projects with Spot / Eve (partly external) 31. okt. 2021
Safely learning to help safely 18. okt. 2021