Workshop with Dale Barr: Pre-processing and Analyzing Eye-tracking Data

1-day workshop will Dale Barr focusing on pre-processing and analyzing eye-tracking data.

azure, ring, eye, shadow


About the workshop

In this workshop, Dale will go through the different stages of pre-processing and analyzing eye-tracking data with a particular emphasis on data collected using a Visual World Paradigm. Participants will be expected to have a (minimal) working knowledge of the R programming language and are encouraged to bring their own data sets.

Registration is required. Please do so below. Deadline for registration is October 17

Getting prepared

We will be working through an existing dataset from a visual world eyetracking study, and writing code in R. You can also work with this dataset during the hands-on exercises, but feel free to try to apply these skills to your own data instead.

Some experience with R and the tidyverse will be helpful, but the workshop will give you an overview of data analysis that will be useful even if you are not an R user, and even if you don’t want to participate in the hands-on exercises. All of the materials from the workshop (code, data, slides) will be available at this site for later review.

For the participants wishing to participate in the hands-on parts, you will need the following:

  • a laptop
  • R version 4.0 or higher (download from
  • an Integrated Development Environment such as the RStudio IDE but feel free to use VSCode or emacs if you prefer and know how to make R scripts or RMarkdown documents in those
  • the tidyverse add-on package version 1.3 or higher
  • add-on packages lme4 and remotes

I won’t be able to provide much tech support so it is a good idea to make sure everything is installed and working before Wednesday.

To find out what version of R you currently have, look at the message that appears when you start R, or type R.version.string in the R console. If you need help installing R and RStudio, please check these resources kindly provided by the PsyTeachR team at the University of Glasgow.

To find out what version of tidyverse you have, type packageVersion("tidyverse"). If you need to update tidyverse (i.e., if you have a version before 1.3), type tidyverse::update_packages() in the console and follow the instructions. You can also find more information about updating packages at the psyteachr site.


We will be working from the online textbook, Reproducibly Analyzing Visual-World Eyetracking Data.
You will need to download and extract, the raw data we will be working with, into your working directory.


Please register for the workshop and dinner here


Click here to view the program


Publisert 6. okt. 2022 09:04 - Sist endret 25. okt. 2022 15:09