Sound settings for meeting rooms, etc

USIT has created a setup to lock and reset sound settings and some start menu options on meeting rooms, etc. to a known state upon each login. Implementing this requires some manual intervention from Local IT for each room.

  1. Move the PC to an OU named "meeting room" or "classroom" (can be expanded with other OU names - contact us if necessary).
  2. Link the following GPOs clients-uio-av-room-settings and clients-uio-av-restore-audio-settings
  3. Wait for the PowerShell module Persist-AudioSettings is be installed.  This can be checked using the following command:
Get-Module -ListAvailable Persist-Audiosettings
  1. If you're short on time, you can speed up the installation by running the Machine Policy Evaluation action in the Configuration Manager applet in Control Panel.
  2. Set up the sound settings manually as they should be -- set the volume and select the correct input and output device.
  3. Run the command:
Save-AudioSettings -FilePath C:\ProgramData\USIT\AudioSettings.json
Publisert 10. jan. 2023 12:56 - Sist endret 24. mai 2024 09:59