Norwegian version of this page

How do you report sick leave?

1. Notify your immediate superior

  • When you are absent from work because you, your child or the child's minder is sick, you must ensure that your personnel manager is notified on the first day of absence. If you have several employers, you must notify your immediate superior at each work place.
  • You should also provide an estimate of how long you will be absent.
  • The notification can be made by telephone, SMS or e-mail.
  • Consider if others that are affected by your absence should be notified, for example close colleagues or people you are scheduled to meet. But keep in mind that message of absence should not be sent to lists that have many recipients, such as an entire section. Be brief: just say you're sick, don't describe what is wrong with you.
  • Staff at the Department of Social Antropology should send an e-mail to or notify their immediate superior by phone or SMS (who sends an e-mail to

2. Report self-certified sick leave

3. Submit a medical certificate if necessary

  • If your illness extends beyond the self-certification period, you must submit a medical certificate.
  • A medical certificate must be issued by your doctor, or by others who have the right to issue medical certificates (e.g. a chiropractor or manual therapist).
  • All sick leave certified by a doctor is now followed up digitally on Where medical certificates are still issued on paper, for example in hospitals, these are scanned by NAV within a few days and must also be followed up digitally on

This is how you submit a digital medical certificate:

  • When you have been with your doctor and been declared sick, you will receive an SMS/e-mail with a link to your digital medical report.
  • You must log in to Ditt NAV > Ditt sykefravær ( (Norwegian) with your electronic ID and send the medical certificate electronically to the employer/immediate manager at once and at the latest within 14 days.
  • Upon submitting a digital medical certificate, sickness absence is registered directly in SAPDFØ, and you do not need to register it in the self-service portal.
  • If you are on partial sick leave, you must register working hours in the self-service portal
  • When the sick leave period is over, you will receive a new notice from NAV. Again you must log in to Ditt NAV > Ditt sykefravær ( (Norwegian) and fill in an application for sickness benefit before sending it to your employer. In some cases, you receive more than one notice, for example, if the sick leave period is longer than four weeks. Then you must fill in each application and send it to the employer continuously.

4. Travelling while on sick leave

The information below regards EEA-citizens working and residing within Norway. If you are a citizen of a country outside of the EEA, you have to apply to keep sickness benefits when traveling outside the Nordic countries. In the case of exceptions, make contact with the Department for organization and personell and/or the Group for Absence and Reimbursement.

Declared sick by a doctor in Norway, then traveling to a country outside the EEA during the sick leave period

  • Submit medical certificate and application for sickness benefits to UiO and NAV.
  • Apply to keep sickness benefits during the stay outside the EEA, preferably prior to traveling.
  • The journey must be clarified with your immediate manager well in advance.
  • The right to pay during illness will lapse if staying outside the EEA for more than four weeks.

Declared sick when traveling outside the EEA

  • Submit a medical certificate from a doctor in the country of which you are staying to both UiO and to NAV.
  • Submit a personal declaration for foreign sick leave to both UiO and NAV (corresponds to application for sickness benefits).
  • Apply to keep sickness benefits during the stay outside the EEA.
  • The right to pay during illness will lapse if staying outside the EEA for more than four weeks.

Declared sick when traveling within the EEA

  • Submit a medical certificate from a doctor in the country of which you are staying to both UiO and to NAV.
  • Submit a personal declaration for foreign sick leave to both UiO and NAV (corresponds to application for sickness benefits).
  • Given that the provided documentation satisfies Norwegian requirements, a medical certificate from a doctor within the EEA equal with a medical certificate from a doctor in Norway.

4. Holiday and sick leave

You can have holiday while you are on a sick leave. When you have paid holiday you should not apply for sick leave pay, but submit in the application that you have had holiday. Sick leave pay is stopped during holiday. 

If you become sick during your holiday you may be be entitled to a replacement holiday. Read more about sickness and holiday.

See also


See whom you can contact.

Published Nov. 8, 2012 4:04 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2023 9:36 AM