Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions at UiO in Horizon Europe

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are bottom-up funding instruments for mobile researchers of any nationality and age. Here you will find information about the actions, guidance regarding applying with UiO as host as well as management of grants at UiO.


PIC-code for UiO

MSCA funding schemes

Read about the MSCA funding instruments at our web pages under Excellent science.

About Marie S. Curie Actions

Proposal preparation and support at UiO

Practical information below relates to how to apply for a MCSA grant with UiO as host institution. For the application process for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship and Doctoral Training Networks respectively, UiO offers seminars and consultancy support at certain stages prior to the deadlines. More information about event for upcoming calls can be found under News and Events

When the project is granted - support at UiO

MSCA project's contracts between the Commission and the host institution are signed through the Funding and Tender portal according to the general guidelines for negotiating EU projects. In addition, there will be an employment contract between the host and the fellow, as well as supplementing contracts related to the MSCA special conditions. The employing unit is responsible for entering into these contracts.

Contract templates and more about how the contractual phase and management of MSCA projects is handled at UiO: UiO guidelines for contract and employment of MSCA candidates

It is recommended to hold a kickoff meeting with the project leader/supervisor and personnel from the research support when the project is granted. UiO's EU-Office has developed a template presentation for MSCA ITN (for H2020) project kick off meetings, that can be adapted for the individual projects.

MSCA Innovative Training Network kick off Meeting (PowerPoint)