Multimodal Signal Processing (MSP)

Welcome to MSP, the new meeting group at RITMO dedicated to multimodal signal processing.

Main aims are:

  • to bring together in particular (but not solely) the nice bunch of people at RITMO working on topics more or less closely related to signal processing, especially in a multimodal context.
  • to offer a forum where RITMO’s methodological needs in multimodal signal processing can be addressed. Indeed, RITMO features a large number of data-centric projects, where significant data need to be processed further.
  • to get a good overview of, and articulate, ongoing works, to foster collaborations.

For anyone interested, please subscribe to the new mailing list:


The meeting takes place on some Tuesdays from 12 to 13, in V217. It starts with the presentation at 12:15, but feel free to arrive earlier for a chat.

It is also possible to join via Zoom.


The discussion can continue outside the actual meetings through the online platform MatterMost, in the dedicated channel MSP.



6.2 (exceptionally 13:00): Introduction

5.3: DjembeDance project (Rainer and Sagar)

Slides: PDF, PPTX (with video examples)

2.4: Audio-related work at RITMO: an overview, Part I

Shared working document.

16.4: Audio-related work at RITMO: an overview, Part II

14.5: Audio-related work at RITMO: an overview, Part III
and Perceptual alignment/corroboration

11.6: Summer uplifting experience (Yes, signal processing can be fun too)


Olivier Lartillot
Published Feb. 6, 2024 11:39 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 8:16 PM