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MED-nytt, no 7 – 2022


Editorial: Research infrastructure Jens Petter Berg

The research infrastructure roadmap for the University of Oslo is being revised. The roadmap should contribute to good prioritisation and hopefully better responses to external announcements of funds for advanced scientific instruments. It is also an important resource with summary of what is available of heavy.

Read the full editorial article by the Dean of Research.

NFR Award for Innovative Technology Projects

Victor Greiff, Emma Haapaniemi og Torkel HaftingIn his editorial, the Dean of Research, Jens Petter Berg emphasises how nice it is to see that the Faculty researchers assert themselves particularly well in the competition for external research funds. The Faculty was bestowed with three out of ten awards, each wort approximately 20 million. Congratulations to the project managers and their colleagues:

  • Emma Haapaniemi at NCMM for developing gene and cell therapy for primary immunodeficiency through the project, “CRISPR-Cas9 corrected T cells for personalized therapy”.
  • Victor Greiff at Klinmed for the project “AB-AG DESIGN: Rule-guided antibody and antigen design”
  • Torkel Hafting at IMB for the “Wireless Neuroprobe-On-A-Chip” project.

Inspirational leadership

Anthony Mathelier og Anne SimonsenMED-nytt presents leaders who go the extra distance. They share some of their secrets behind good interaction and team building in a research group. We have elected two Heads of Group who have a good reputation for how they as leaders work actively to make their research group work together well. We’ve heard them explain a bit about what they’re doing in their group that might inspire other groups that are interested in working on their working environment

Inspirational leadership: Anne Simonsen (IMB)

Inspirational leadership: Anthony Mathelier (NCMM)



Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale

Børresen-Dale appointed as AACR Academy Fellow

Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale has become part of a prestigious group of cancer researchers as a newly elected Fellow of the American Association for Cancer Research Academy (AACR), an honour bestowed on only a few researchers. Read the full article.


Per Ole IversenIversen honoured for research in Africa

Professor Per Ole Iversen was awarded the Eminent Scientist of the Year 2021 Europe award for his research on understanding and how to remedy poor nutritional status in African mothers and their toddlers.

The Professor has been researching nutrition in several African countries for 15 years and has also worked towards bringing more researchers out to the Continent. The award is allocated by the International Research Promotion Council.
Read the full article (in Norwegian).

Four researchers from MED appointed as Oslo ambassadorsBildet kan inneholde: fottøy, smil, dressbukse, sko, slips.

Our professors, Dan Attar, Kjetil Retterstøl, Erik Taubøll and Tom Øresland have been appointed as Oslo ambassadors by Mayor, Marianne Borgen. Read the full article.

Oslo Convention Bureau – A valuable conference supporter

Did you know that there is help available for adding a future conference within your academic group for Oslo? The Oslo Convention Bureau provides free, non-binding advice and assistance for organisers in the planning and search phase. Read more about how you can get help and potentially become an Oslo ambassador.

konvergensmiljøerClosing of the first convergence environments

The Faculty took part in all of the convergence environments and led four of them. Man-made environmental toxins, the unique immune system of cod, foetal development and new technologies both for the treatment of disease and for the purification of environmental toxins, were subjects under the magnifying glass in the first seven convergence environments. The Faculty took part in all of the environments and led four of them. Read more about the closing event.

New mentoring programme for Postdoctoral Fellows 2022

The mentoring programme is for all Postdoctoral Fellows who envision a career in academia. Under the mentoring program, you participate in a group with up to five other Postdoctoral Fellows. You meet once a month and you can even help shape the direction the programme takes. 
Time: Friday, 22 April. Registration.

When you join the mentoring programme you will learn how to: Assess potential directions for your career. Share experiences. Develop your own plan for your career. Find sources of funding. Find and solve dilemmas that you may encounter as a young researcher. Read more.


Information for employees

  • Tofaktorautentisering

    Two-factor authentication now at UiO. Most people are already used to using their mobile when logging in to online banks, to review tax declarations or use UiO now becomes “secure as the bank” and is introducing two-factor authentication.

  • On 5 April, the IT director decided that two-factor authentication should not be introduced for students until the most intensive examination period is over, i.e. after 15 June. The date will be announced soon.

  • The Rector’s blogCircle U: We are part of a European Community — which we are developing!

Management meetings

Leadership forum 29 March: Unit-specific research procedures - MSCA - UIO: Life science - Change in the Norwegian Working Environment Act - Study matters - Research matters - New from the institutes - Current price information

Agenda for Faculty Board meeting on 8 March.


See all important deadlines for research funding applications in Funding opportunities.

  • NCMM has announced a new Head of Group position. This is a golden opportunity for candidates with “machine learning” expertise. Apply now or send a tip on relevant candidates in your network: Application deadline is 18 April.
  • Circle U: Announcement of postdoctoral Scientia Fellows: This research project is a collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine and Circle U, which investigates  “collaborative teaching and research” – and the transfer of knowledge between academics, students and non-academic stakeholders. The candidate will have a unique opportunity to work as part of an international environment. Deadline: 30 April
  • Award announcements: Don’t forget to submit your nominations! Keep up with the annual cycle for award announcements:
    • King Salman International Award for Disability Research (30 April)
    • The Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP) (10 May)
  • Circle U. Prize for Interdisciplinary ResearchCircle U call_2022.pdf Deadline: 10 May
  • Various seed funds for research projects with students: Great opportunity to bring Circle U. staff and students together to work on joint projects! – Circle U. (Deadline 6 May).
  • Apply for conference or other event support from UiO:Life Science. Deadline 1 June.
  • Apply for internationalisation support from UiO:Life Science. Deadline 1 June

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all the available courses.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences.

Research news

You can also check out what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram..

MS illustrasjon i hjernenMedisinbloggenNew medications give MS patients better lives in Norwegian by Elisabeth Gulowsen Celius. There has been a tremendous development for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We have more and better treatment options and the prognoses are steadily improving.


IMB: Studied dizziness and developed a new method for use worldwide by Cecilie Bakken Høstmark. The room around you sways up and down and you feel seasick. While searching for the cause of dizziness, scientists at UiO have developed a new method for spinning things under a microscope and registering the activity in brain cells in movement. 


VaksinepoddenVaksinepodden: The Covid-19 pandemic has been an extra burden for immunosuppressed patients, such as transplant patients and people with rheumatic diseases. In Episode 28, we talk to Professor Ludvig A Munthe about the effects of vaccination in those who are immunosuppressed, the risk of serious disease, Omicron and new treatments.

The podcast "Rosa resept"#05.  “Get yourself together! “ Or take care? Fibromyalgia - with Professor Anne Marit Mengshoel. The professor has been following fibromyalgia patients since the 90s. She has also come across patients who have become healthy. Meet the professor and the patient who have one thing in common: 30 years of experience with the disease fibromyalgia.


BioingeniørenThe genome is like a tangled ball. Philippe Collas and Ragnhild Eskeland on Epigenetics. Epigenetics transforms the image of the human genome. What we’ve envisioned as a strand of DNA is more like a tangled ball. The structure and location in the cell nucleus carry important information.


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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Apr. 13, 2022 11:41 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2023 9:53 PM