Data management and GDPR for researchers

This mandatory information meeting for ARENA researchers will address research data management and sharing, as well as implications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for researchers.

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At this seminar, Marit will go through some of the basics of research ethics (including personal data protection) and data management (including expectations to share own data).

A set of ARENA guidelines on these issues have been published, and it would be great if you could familiarise yourself with these before the seminar:

GDPR: Personal data in research

If your research involves human beings as research objects, i.e. through collecting and/or processing personal data (interviews, surveys,  participant observation, discourse analysis), you must know your professional and ethical responsibilities related to data management.

Managing and sharing research data

Researchers are increasingly expected - or even obliged - to share their data. Managing and sharing your data properly also has a number of benefits for you as a researcher, and is best taken care of through a data management plan.

Follow-up event

Published Mar. 1, 2019 2:57 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2019 2:31 PM