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Results from SV's Holmenkollstafett-teams this year

A total of nine teams from the SV faculty lined up at the start of the Holmenkollstafetten 2024. The Social Economists defended their title from last year but faced tough competition from the Psychologists this year.


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On the podium

ØI’s team "Perfectly Competitive" lived up to its name and defended the first place from 2023. They remain SV’s fastest team. This year they ran in to 1:18:14, which is just over seven minutes slower than last year’s impressive 1:10:42. At that time, they came second-best at UiO.

The Clinical Department at PSI seized the silver spot, ascending one podium place. The Psychologists sprinted into a new team record of 1:20:00, nearly three minutes faster than the previous year, and are soon breathing down the Economists’ necks. Team leader Roger Hagen is proud.

“What an amazing team. Achieving the time required for a medal just right was a delightful sensation and easier than we thought,” he boasts.

The time requirement for a medal for corporate teams under the Holmenkollstafetten is one hour and twenty minutes. The Clinicians at PSI barely made it, while ØI’s competitive team was well within the limits. Both teams were awarded medals for meeting the time requirement.

The legs of the RITMO runners also moved like drumsticks. The interdisciplinary center in Harald Schjelderups hus sprinted to a rapid 1:21:43, which is a bronze spot among the SV teams. With this strong lap time, they knocked the political scientists off the podium from last year, where they finished second.

“It went well this year! Despite minor hiccups at some of the exchanges, RITMO managed their best time to date.”

“We are very pleased with the team effort, and particularly impressed by those who ended up running two legs. There was a great atmosphere throughout the race, which we took with us to the barbecue afterwards,” says team leader Eirik Slinning Karlsen.

Below the podium

A mere second separated the last podium spot from the disappointing fourth place. NORMENT 2024, which also included several runners from PSI, clocked in at 1:21:44.

“I'm happy with the team's result and effort. My impression is that everyone enjoyed themselves and had fun, which after all is the most important thing, comments team leader Erik Rimestad Frogner.

Nine seconds behind NORMENT 2024, LCBC (Centre for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition at PSI) finished at 1:21:53.

The political scientists, who captured second place last year, had to settle for sixth place this year, 19 seconds behind LCBC. The time for ISV’s team was 1:22:12, over six minutes weaker than the strong 1:15:57 last year.

Final standings:

  1. Perfectly Competitive (ØI): 01:18:14
  2. Klinisk fagavdeling PSI: 01:20:00
  3. RITMO: 01:21:43
  4. NORMENT 2050: 01:21:44
  5. LCBC: 01:21:53
  6. ISV Team 2024: 01:22:12
  7. TIK: 01:23:47
  8. ISS: 01:29:26
  9. Admin PSI: 01:31:11

Team leader Pierre Louis Daniel Squevin explains.

“I'm extremely pleased with the team effort. Everyone did the best they could. This is the second year in a row that ISV has managed to field a complete team. Now we will build on these good experiences with the aim of doing better in 2025.”

In the following spots, TIK rushed to 1:23:47, which is new team best. While ISS managed to equal last year's 1:29:26. Finally, PSI’s admin team came last with 1:31:11.

“We are at least satisfied with everyone's effort and achieved our own goal, which was to manage to field an admin team altogether, responds team leader Vivian Aasvik.

Read more in Norwegian: Råsterk løpeinnsats under Holmenkollstafetten

By Svein Harald Milde
Published May 24, 2024 8:00 AM