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Newsletter October 2022

The Life Science Growth House is the innovation unit for life sciences, health and technology at the University of Oslo (UiO).

Sign up for innovation hangout for academia and industry 10 November

Illustration innovation hangout #4

Topic: Health technology
Inspirational talk: Bård Eker, CEO, Eker Group, industrial designer, entrepreneur and innovator
Role model talk: Kim Lien, founder & CEO Nordic Neurotech AS and Imac Zambrana, CSO Nordic Neurotech AS and associate professor, University of Oslo
Matchmaking between researchers and students and representatives from companies that are members of our co-organiser Norway Health Tech among others MedLytic, DNV Imatis, HoloCare, EpiGuard, Nordic Neurotech and Medistim.

With this meeting place we want to inspire, give self-confidence and knowledge about innovation processes and facilitate collaboration that puts more research to use for the benefit of patients and society.

See the programme, and sign up!

Registration deadline: 7 November

Innovation culture at UiO: Pharmacy students enter Oslo Science Park

Pictures from launch event 12 October

The student association for pharmaceutical innovation, ShareLab in Oslo Science Park and the Life Science Growth House have teamed up on a project that gives pharmacy students the opportunity to work on innovative projects and acquire skills that are requested by industry. This is the first step on the way to involving the entire innovation ecosystem in Oslo Science Park in the work of the Growth House.

Read more.

New faces in the Growth House team

Beate, Katja, Peder and Katrine

Beate Rygg Johnsen, senior innovation adviser

Beate is educated in biochemistry from UiO and has built her carrier in a global industry setting. She has worked in biotech, pharma and the start-up scene with business strategy, innovation and the commercialisation process. Her great motivation is to bring some of this business knowledge into academia and to foster innovation and creative thinking.

Katja Mjøs, senior innovation adviser, PhD

As an experienced research chemist, Katja knows how to establish connections (“bonds”) between entities (“atoms”) to make something bigger (“molecules”), which sometimes requires just a little bit of extra energy. Katja looks forward to serving the UiO's research community as an innovation catalyst who enables strong bonds between UiO researchers and students with industry partners, entrepreneurs, incubators, government, and non-profit organizations. After living on the West Coast of Canada for the past 12.5 years, where she completed her PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at The University of British Columbia (UBC) and worked as a Technology Transfer Officer in UBC`s University-Industry Liaison Office, Katja and her family are excited to be back in Norway!

Peder Heyerdahl Utne, legal adviser, part-time

Peder has many years of experience from legal consultancy within public and private cooperation with a particular focus on contract management, IP regulation, ethics and compliance. Peder has his main position at the Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital. 

Katrine L. Stensløkken, administrative coordinator

Katrine has a cand.scient. in biology from UiO. She has extensive experience in several areas of administration at UiO, as well as good knowledge of current rules and guidelines at UiO and legislation in the higher education sector in general.

The Growth House at Nordic Life Science Days

The Growth House team at the Øresund Bridge

In September, the Growth House attended the Nordic Life Science Days (NLSDays) in Malmö. NLSDays is an arena for networking with both public and private Nordic life science actors and finding collaboration partners for both the Growth House, researchers and students. The Growth House hosted the booth Norway for Life Science together with several other actors in the innovation ecosystem from Oslo with Oslo Cancer Cluster in the lead. In the picture the Growth House team at the Øresund Bridge: Norunn K. Torheim, Ivar Bergland, Beate Rygg Johnsen, Nicolay Bérard-Andersen and Katja Mjøs.

Reminder: Internship for students 2023 – registration opened for companies

Internship students 2021

Companies that want to offer summer jobs through the internship programme supported by the Life Science Growth House, can sign up to attend in 2023. Companies are welcome to fund an unlimited number of summer jobs. The Growth House covers 50 per cent of the salary of 20 positions in small and medium-sized companies. You apply for support when you register your company – first come, first served!

Read more, and register your company!

Two people talking

Contact us!

We offer tailored counselling and support, including seed funding. Remember to contact us if you want to discuss how to proceed with your early-phase innovation idea. 

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