Add / edit information about instruments

After an instrument is registered in the system, add information about the instrument so that users can learn more about the instrument. 

BookitLab is upgraded on 12 Nov 2023 with many changes in navigation etc. This particularly applies to project/core admin users. For more info, see this file. Guidelines must be updated continuously.

Where can information about an instrument be added or edited? 

To add / edit information about an instrument, a user with "core admin" role needs to go to "Instrument Settings" page of the instrument. There are several ways to reach the page, but here is one example. 

Click the followings:

  1. "ADMIN PANEL", at the bottom of the navigation menu (on the left-hand side of the page)
  2. "INSTRUMENTS" on the navigation menu 
  3. "Instruments List" right under "INSTRUMENTS"
  4. Instrumentet's name you want to add / edit information about. If it is not found, use filtering function or search from the search field found below the table of instruments. 

On the "Instrument Settings"  page, fill in the information at the following essential fields at least. Instruction on how to add or edit configuration of the instrument can be found elsewhere. 

On "Resource" tab 

  • "INSTRUMENT PRICE CATEGORY": Here, a predefined price category can be set. Refer to instruction for how to define "instrument price category".
  • "PROJECT NUMBER": In case the instrument's rental fee should go to its own project ("delprosjekt" in Norwegian), which is different from the one set to the core, this needs to be registered in "PROJECT NUMBER" field. This field is found by clicking "Advanced Settings"
  • "HIDE PROJECTS": In case the instrument is totally free of charge regardless who a user is, this toggle can be turned on. Then end users do not have to choose any project to pay for booking the instrument. 
  • "ALLOW DRAFT RESERVATIONS": Keep this field with "N/A".  

On "Asset" tab

Information that is set here will be presented on "Asset Detail" page of the instrument. Below are the fields that should be filled in at least. 

  • "CAMPUS": Select one campus where the instrument can be found from the dropdown list. 
  • "BUILDING": Select the building where the instrument is found. If you cannot find the building, please take contact to
  • "ROOM": A room needs to be registered in advance by a "core admin". Please refer to the instruction on how to register and edit a room
  • "OPEN TO PUBLIC": If the instrument's information can be presented open to the public (i.e. without Feide log in), turn this toggle on. 
  • "SHORT DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT" and "DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT" fields: Except for the fields above, it is up to the core if information about the instrument is maintained within BookitLab or for example the lab's web page within (Vortex page). In the latter case, it is recommended to add the URL of the webpage so that end users can reach information about the instruments. 

On "Files" tab

Here any relevant documents that are useful for users can be stored, for example:

  • Rutines
  • HSE information
  • Instructions of the instrument
  • Any types of documents 

It is possible to choose either users can have access to all or a part of these files.

Published Jan. 17, 2023 8:32 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2023 12:26 PM