Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
20.08.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Information for the students. Introduction to Biophysics.  Sybesma Chp. 1 
22.08.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Basic cell biology  Sybesma Chp. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 from p.25, 2.4 og 2.5 
27.08.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Atomic physics, theory of the chemical bond  Sybesma Chp. 3.1, 3.2 to p.57, 2.3 incl. p.25 
29.08.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Hybridization, binding theory of water and Amino acids, structure of proteins  Sybesma Chp. 4.1 
03.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Nucleotides, structure of DNA and RNA.  Sybesma Chp. 4.4 
05.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Lecture is cancelled.  See "Beskjeder". 
10.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  DNA replication. Translation and transcription. Cell cyclus.  Sybesma Chp. 4.4 and 4.5 
12.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Spectroscopical methods. Spectroscopy (light) UV, visible, IR  Sybesma, Chp. 3.2 from p 55, 3.3 to p. 68 (ORD and CD not compulsory), 3.4 p. 70+71 only.  
17.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Spectroscopical methods. Osmosis, centrifugation, sedimentation.  Sybesma, Chp. 3.6 to p. 93 
19.09.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Electroforesis, Enzyme kinetics, X-ray diffraction  Sybesma, Chp. 3.6 from p.93, Chp. 4.2, Chp. 3.7. Last part of this series of lectures is postphoned to Oct. 08 (see below). 
24.09.2003Erik O. Pettersen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Gene technology  There will be available two short kompendia of Erik O. Pettersen as compulsory reading for this, + Sybesma Chp. 4.3 og 4.6 
26.09.2003Erik O. Pettersen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Immunology  The text of OBLIG 1, as html file or as pdf-file is now available for download. 
01.10.2003    *STUDY WEEK*  No lectures this week. 
03.10.2003    *STUDY WEEK*  Last day for returning OBLIG 1 to the teacher. 
08.10.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  X-diffraction, proteins and DNA    
10.10.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Radiation physics, an introduction  There will be a kompendium written by Thormod Henriksen available as compulsory reading for this and the following two lectures. 
15.10.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Radiation Chemistry and biophysics  Thormod Henriksen will teach this lecture. 
17.10.2003Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   Radiation biology and health physics  The text for the exercises to be solved on Wed. 22 are found in this pdf-file . Answers to these exercises will be put on the net on Tue Oct. 21. 
22.10.2003Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   No lecture  In these two hours, a couple of problems from previous exams will be worked through. The students will work while the teacher will be available for help and discussions.. The problems to be solved will be distributed the week before. 
24.10.2003Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. NMR/EPR basics  A separate kompendium will be distributed for this series of lectures in Magnetic Resonance 
29.10.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   cw-NMR, Introduction to FT-NMR   
31.10.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   EPR Spectroscopy  A short information about the different compulsory labs will be given. 
05.11.2003Einar sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   *STUDY WEEK*  No lectures this week.

Info on the labs + Lab. descriptions may be obtaied in Einar's office from 06/11. 

07.11.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   *STUDY WEEK*  There will be one hour Introduction to the Radiation Biology lab (1015-1100) and one hour EPR Spectroscopy lecture (1115-1200)this Friday. 
12.11.2003Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, Eirik Malinen, Dag Rune Olsen, Pål Graff  KV 346 Chemistry Building   * LABORATORY EXERCISES*  No lectures this week.

Midterm exam wil take place today at 1015 - 1200. Meet at room KV346 at 1000  

14.11.2003Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, Eirik Malinen, Dag Rune Olsen, Pål Graff   KV 346 Chemistry Building   * LABORATORY EXERCISES *  For the lab time schedule, click this link
19.11.2003Johan Moan  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Photophysics  A separate kompendium for these two lectures will be provided. 
21.11.2003Johan Moan  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Photophysics  Deadline for submission of laboratory reports 
26.11.2003Dag Rune Olsen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Magnetic resonance Imaging  OBLIG 2 will not be given! 
28.11.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   No lecture  Problems to be calculated:

- EXAM 1998 # 2 - EXAM 2000 # 3

Be prepared!! 

03.12.2003Dag Rune Olsen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Medical Radiation Physics, an introduction   
05.12.2003Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, Eirik Malinen, Pål Graff  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Master Thesis projects, an information session   
10.12.2003Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   * STUDY WEEK *  No lectures this week 
12.12.2003Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   * STUDY WEEK *  No lectures this week  
17.12.2003      Final written exam (3 hrs). 
Publisert 16. juni 2003 20:12 - Sist endret 15. sep. 2004 12:04